45 Days of Praying for the Elections-Day 17
SCRIPTURE: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes for the Jew first and also for the Greek." Romans 1:16
If we accept that "The just shall live by faith.", according to Romans 1:17, then what could be more faithful and just to do, than to put what is most basic to being justified in the sight of God before the many, the good news of Jesus Christ? Obedience requires we front-load all outreach with that which saves, otherwise our outcome settles upon folks having their earthly, temporal needs met to the exclusion of getting into heaven for eternity. We expect the world to grumble about our sharing, and our sacred priorities. Let 'em. [and share the Gospel anyway] What chance have they to believe if they have not heard?

"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God." [Matthew 4:4] Meeting the needs of the material man is important, but not to the exclusion of having life eternal in the presence of God. An umbrella offered on a rainy day, or a hamburger for a hungry man does not trump God's expressed mercy. It's just not enough to have a fish emblem on your car bumper, or to say 'Merry Christmas' instead of 'Season's greetings'. 'John 3:16' on your tee shirt alone won't cut it.

Imagine a fellowship gathering of Christians, having a great time in the Lord, dining, singing, interacting, and sharing to then have an interruption in the form of a cadre of masked and armed assailants. Everyone quiets as the leader speaks up. 'Y'all Christians, huhn?' Meanwhile the others collect money, wallets, phones, and jewelry. 'Whatcha got that we don't?' One soul steps from the Christian gathering while the others observe anxiously, saying "I'll tell ya exactly what we have," to then reach for something from the table to offer... "Swedish meatballs or fried chicken?" Now this would certainly seem to be an odd thing to offer an 'obvious' group of sinners, and yet many of us will invest more energies over church carpet colors, or choir robes than how to share Christ. It's like the tail wagging the dog. A familiar saying offers us to, "Preach Christ, and use words if you must." Brothers and sisters, we must. Giving the gospel requires its housing in a conversation. It's imperative! Beware the sin of silence.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God! [Romans 10:17] The gospel is the heartbeat of 'the word'. What better time than now for the opportunities erupting all about us, with competing worldviews?

If you doubt that this is not the time, I'd invite you to revisit the opening ceremonies of this year's Olympics, or just consider our unravelling world in current events, even our own political contests. Pray for our political candidates and leadership that the spiritual blindness ends. Pray Christ, and use words. Share ye Him! Church, it's time to care bravely...beginning with the sharing of the grace message of the Gospel.

Prayer: Dear LORD, prick your church to be the fruitful church of Your intentions here in America, and especially now as these elections put us squarely and uniquely in the center of the world's gaze. Move us to be, at all levels, great and small, Your ambassadors. Save those afar off, and save those on the margins. This I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Deacon Brockington


Cheryl Torain - October 8th, 2024 at 10:02am

Halleujah!!! Yes, LORD give us boldness to share You as someone had the boldness to tell us!!!

Paula S - October 11th, 2024 at 5:16am

Yes Lord, give us courage to be embassadors to a dieing world. Amen Dea. Brockington






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