A Way That Seems Right To A Nation

45 Days of Praying for the Elections
SCRIPTURE: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but that way could lead to death.” Proverbs 14:12
In the times and world that we live in it seems any commandment of God is in conflict with the prevailing mindset of moral relativism, which is a subjective attitude that tries to make right or wrong preferential and not absolute. The belief that we can make up our own rules and establish our own sense of  righteousness has led to all of the destruction and chaos in the world from the beginning when it was first practiced by Adam and Eve (Genesis 3). The verses for our devotional meditation introduces to us the reason why humans continue to destroy and jeopardize our quality of life in this world that God Himself gave us to enjoy. Instead of submitting to the way God says is absolute, we repeatedly think and practice ways according to what seems right. It is this little phrase, “SEEMS RIGHT,” that reveals the why many choose the paths that lead us away from what God commands, expects and the way He promises to bless us.

When we ignore God’s ways or choose what “SEEMS RIGHT” to us over His Word, it undermines not only His authority, but it undermines the confidence of our faith, and often puts us in positions of presuming upon the mercy of God when God has already spoken about the potential consequences that can come from believing anyone, even ourselves, above what He has already said.

“SEEMS RIGHT” is often a fork in the road in our decision making and often becomes that place where people depart from God’s absolute authority and exalt ourselves above, equal to, or in God’s place by replacing and rejecting the Word He has given to us to believe and obey. This place of “SEEMS RIGHT” is a more dangerous place than it appears many see or believe. Just a little “SEEMS RIGHT” can evolve into generations of progressive destruction on the way to death. This is not only a caution for each individual to be aware of, but when a nation is led to accept this attitude over seeking God’s authority, and the Church condones it by also adopting this attitude, that nation will die off from the blessings of protection, prosperity, and peace that it has received from God. It finds itself as a people who will be under the judgment of God. “SEEMS RIGHT” is the attitude that becomes the opening to temptation and deception as was the case of Adam and Eve and so many others throughout history. “SEEMS RIGHT” is the attitude that makes us subject to our interpretation of life through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (Ephesians 2:1-3; I John 2:15-17). “SEEMS RIGHT” is the place in our thinking that yields to our flesh driven emotions, desires and judgmentalism that errors in our pursuit for our own pleasure and glory and not the ultimate pleasing and glory of God (Philippians 2:13; I Corinthians 10:31). Even some believers wrestle with the absolute authority of God’s Word above the strength of what “SEEMS RIGHT” to us. It is the place where we convince ourselves, train our consciences and selectively chose what we will stand for, stand against, and what we will obey. Sometimes we justify within ourselves that our subtle defiance is not all that important to God in certain matters of obedience (James 1:21-25).

When God brought His people out of Egypt He knew that this issue of “SEEMS RIGHT”, can come between Him and His people, so He gave them Ten Commandments initially and eventually the whole Law that was to govern them and leave no room for the attitude of “a way that seems right…” to come between Him and their understanding of what He required of them. Going into the land of Canaan there would be strong influences from the pagan world of unbelievers that would and eventually did draw many of His people to fall to this weakness. We all must fall to what “SEEMS RIGHT.”  Israel was not only to model absolute obedience to God’s ways, but they, like us today, are to be God’s messengers and stewards of it as part of God’s plan and will in the world (Deuteronomy 7:7-11, 26). We are not ambassadors of a way of man, but “THE WAY” of God. God’s way is the way of Holiness unto God, the Truth from God and the Deliverance of God from the certain death and destruction that is promised to come upon all who reject Him and His Word.

Prayer: To You once again our Father, we bow our hearts in Your presence, in the light of whatever You have exposed in our hearts that is not pleasing or acceptable in Your sight. Please forgive us for being more “SEEMS RIGHT” than “SURE IT’S RIGHT” according to Your Word. Father, please forgive us for not standing, but giving place to our own emotions and ideas more authority that what You have said. Forgive some of us for not appearing to care and for others of us who do repent. Please ignite in  our hearts courage and concern to stand for TRUTH and not settling for “SEEMS RIGHT TO US.” In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
By Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Paula S. - October 6th, 2024 at 6:30pm

Amen, what "Seems Right To Us" has gotten us in trouble too many times, Lord! Let me choose to obey Your Word!

Kim - October 6th, 2024 at 8:32pm

Praise God!






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