THE ELECTION PROCESS: Our Responsibility to Keep it Honest

45 Days of Praying for the Elections
SCRIPTURE: “You must not fear them, for the LORD your God Himself fights for you.’ Deuteronomy 3: 22
Democracy is a form of government where the people have the power to make decisions, either directly or indirectly. Democracy should be rooted in truth where morals grow and impact the world positively. Sadly, that does not always happen. Throughout history elections have been marred by violence, scandal, or corruption. These things can cause the election to be delayed or even stopped. Because we know that there are people who leave the paths of righteousness to  walk in the ways of darkness and who rejoice in evil (Proverbs 2:13) we must pray for the election process.

When praying for the election process we must take firm hold of (God’s) instruction and not let go, we should not enter the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil (Proverbs 4:13-14). Take time out to pray specifically for the election process, the voters, and the candidates. Regardless of the outside noise remember to be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.

Remember to shun profane and idle talk, for it leads to ungodliness (2 Timothy 2: 15-16). Pray with the understanding that not everyone wants what God wants, that some people are soldiers of Satan and love chaos and confusion. Pray that the election process is not tainted by scandal, chaos, confusion or delays.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father thank You for allowing us to live in a democracy. I come to You praying specifically for the election process. Lord, please protect those persons preparing the polls, working the polls, and going to the polls. Please destroy any attempts of the enemy to delay or prevent the election. Lord, hold evil at bay so the election is not marred by violence or scandal. Thank you in advance for Your protection and Your instruction. Thank you for Jesus the Christ, who died on the cross for our sins and rose again so that we may have eternal life. Amen
 By Sis. Pat Towns

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Deborah Whye - October 5th, 2024 at 7:01am

Amen and Amen






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