THE WORLD AND THE ISSUES IT FACES: Right Must Be the Might Of A Nation

45 Days of Praying for the Elections
SCRIPTURE: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rules the people mourn.”  Proverbs 14:34: 29:5
When a nation is led by its leaders to seek after the righteous rule of the true and living God, that nation will have the favor of God as their might and testimony in the world and in history. These verses for our devotion remind us that a nation’s power is not in its political or economic or even in its military strength, but in its submission to the authority of God’s Laws of Righteousness. Life as we know it will always be waged in the warfare between righteousness, and sin by those who are called to live to please God and those who live under Satan’s power, the world’s influence, and the lust of our own flesh. The prevailing evidence of our country’s history is that it was built on the foundational belief that faith in God should be at the center of the nation’s hope. We carry this central theme on all of our money, “In God We Trust”. According to theologian John Phillips, the United States has been richly endowed, greatly blessed, and exalted to a status of a global superpower. From time to time in this nation’s short history God has visited this country with Holy Spirit revivals to bring it back to its roots. American generosity, humanity, and goodwill have been known all around the world as a witness to the world about the grace of God despite this country’s history of falling short of His glory. By His abundant mercy and rich grace the United States is still known as a land with a righteous witness of faith, it also is known as a land where sinners have used their Constitutional freedom to pursue the works of the flesh in rebellion and opposition to God’s standard of righteousness (Romans 6:15,16;20).

Though the United States is still regarded as a bastion of faith, according to Phillips, it is the land riddled with pornography, perversion, homosexuality, sodomy and the inundation of legalized recreational drugs that has redefined addiction to sickness rather than as a consequence of sin. To its disgrace many of these sins have become the shame of the nation to the extent that some ungodly practices, such as abortion on demand up unto the full birth of a child, transgender affirming surgery and mutilation even involving young children without parental knowledge, have been made laws by many states. Its disgrace is further compounded by a form of Humanism that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and has subversively welcomed anti-Christianity, atheism, agnosticism, Marxism, and a liberalism that has captured many American pulpits, classrooms from kindergarten to universities, courts, to single and same sex parental homes while progressively outlawing prayer, and any forms of biblical exposure and influence in the general society. Its disgrace is the same as it was when God indicted Israel saying to them, “woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:21-23). It has become a nation that has allowed and condoned the open rejection God’s authority and has masses supporting the horrific things that God has condemned (Romans 1:18-32).

When the nation exalts righteousness as it highest pursuit and practice, the people will rejoice because we will be guided by the Truth which yields honesty, fairness, and equal justice for everyone. The people will rejoice because there will be genuine compassion for the weakest of us and the preservation of life for the youngest to the oldest of us. When righteousness rules the wealth of our nation and the individuals who live in it will not be measured by the money and riches it has, but by the quality of life that is saturated by the abundance of God’s hand of favor and protection that will be upon us now and for the future generations to come. Conversely, when the wicked, who do not respect God, rule the affairs of our lives, the people mourn because we have been dragged into a state of daily living that is at war against God and His Anointed (Psalm 2). A society that is ruled by carnality, corruption, covetousness, and a callousness toward God with anything that fuels the darkness that men love by nature (John 3:19-21). This is the judgment? Man is without excuse because Light has come into the world, and men have loved darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil and therefore, it hates, resist, and fights against the light to make its sin not seem to be what it is before our Lord and God.

Prayer: Almighty God, the darkness we face in these days is so great that even the minds of some who profess faith are blinded, even to the extent of condoning unrighteousness as right and compromise as showing compassion. Father in heaven, we are Your lights that You have placed in the midst of this darkness so that souls can still find the gift of Your Son. Please Father, make us to see Your callings. Please, make us to stand against Your enemies. Please, make us to shine even more brightly so the righteousness of Your Son will clearly be seen through the testimony of our walk and witness in this world (I Peter 2:24). In Jesus Name, amen.
By Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Deborah Whye - September 29th, 2024 at 5:44am

Amen and Amen!

McNeal and Debora Brockington - September 29th, 2024 at 7:48am

May the gift of praise make bright these days. Bless God. Bless His. Stand fast.

Wendy - September 29th, 2024 at 3:10pm

Amen and Amen!!






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