THE WORLD AND THE ISSUES IT FACES: Your Obligation to the Sin-bearing Messiah

45 Days of Praying for the Elections
SCRIPTURE: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
Isaiah 53 tells us about Jesus. By verse five we know that the Messiah’s ministry started when He was young, that he was average by all accounts (v2), that he was hated, shunned by man, understands the pain of people, and no one admired Him (V3), that he bore the burdens of others to the point of being wounded for their sins and that by those wounds we all are healed (v4-5). After knowing these things, we still go astray, we still lean to our own understanding, and we still take the wide road. What is your obligation to the Sin-bearing Messiah? What is the minimum that we owe? How many times have you sung; “Jesus paid it all; All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.”? The answer is simple, we owe Him our all. We owe Him our obedience, our life, and our dedication.

Today, the world faces many issues that followers of Christ are affected by because they live in the world, but those issues should not cause this great confusion among Believers. We are directed to do what the Lord says do and be obedient to what the Lord says not to do. Yes, that is easier said than done. Our feelings, thoughts, enjoyment of sin and/or our caring what others think/say about us sometimes make it difficult to stand firmly on the Lord’s precepts. As we move closer and closer to election day, Believers should research each candidate and know what their policies are and then ask yourself how does this line up with God’s Word. As we move closer to election day, Believers should not be swayed by the words of others but instead pray for wisdom and guidance and be moved by what the Lord has said. As we move closer to election day, the urgency of this matter grows.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father we come to You asking for forgiveness for not trusting You, for at times knowingly going against Your Word for the acceptance of others, or to make our lives easier. Lord, help us remember that Your way should be our way and just like Christ we may be despised and rejected by others. Lord, Your Word says, that the beginning of wisdom is found when we fear You and that we actually grow in wisdom when we obey You (Psalms 111:10). As we diligently pray for our current leaders, let us remember to also pray for wisdom in this upcoming election. For many, they can’t see a godly choice in this election. Help us see Your choice, Lord. Please open our eyes, our minds, and our hearts so that we can follow Your way and Your will. I thank you Lord for Your Word, for Your Precepts, and for Your Son, Jesus Christ who bore our sins so that we can have everlasting life. In the matchless name of Jesus, Amen.
By Sis. Pat Towns


McNeal and Debora Brockington - September 28th, 2024 at 6:11am

Sensitize us through the word to the challenges in this world, that we standfast in the liberty of grace.

Cheryl Torain - September 28th, 2024 at 9:22am

Yes Lord may we chose Your Truths because You have SPOKEN!!






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