Jesus, our Lord

SCRIPTURE: “Look at the birds or the air, for they neither sow nor reap no gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Matthew 6:26
In this life, we learn how essential it is, “to keep going.” I often notice how the birds and
squirrels move. The birds soar with a carefreeness; and the squirrels move rapidly along the trees and grass with expectation. Their moves are with belief that they will find what they need to live. As a believer, this mindset should be ours, as well. We have embraced this relationship with the Lord Jesus; and we know some things; like, He is faithful! Though we do not claim perfection of faith, we know the practice of repentance and His restoration. We know the practice of seeking and receiving direction from Him by prayer and or in His Word. We are the Beloved; He has imputed to us His righteousness through His great act of salvation, redemption...Hallelujah!

In our relationship and daily fellowship with Jesus, we are growing to know Him to be the
sustainer of our lives; He is absolutely and equivocally able to direct our minds. We are
maturing past cliches and superstitions. We are nestling in His Holy and Steadfast character; yes, in His Power to keep and uphold covenants and precious promises. We are convinced that God is God; He is always able and faithful to carryout matters on our behalf. We can trust Him with our whole hearts. He has shown Himself strong; we have experienced and read of His deliverance. He is and His Word is and will always be relevant to current situations. Therefore, we can cleave to Him: He is our Shepherd (Psalm 23), our Strong Tower (Proverbs 18), our Provider (Ephesians 4), our Calm and Stay (Psalms 18). He will lead us; He will be our shelter; He will sustain us; He will give us the Peace that we need to survive the storms of life. We are Grateful!! Yes, we are convinced He will never leave us and will always be our support and security.

Prayer: Lord, Thank You for Your attention towards even me. You are everything I will ever need. For I am Your child, Your ambassador. Thank You for Your covenants and promises which add motivation to our faith. They help us to expect from You. We are indebted to You that You would call us to be light for Your Glory in this dark world. Thank You for the “ah of relief” we have in knowing You have great purposes and plans, which will all come to fruition so that all will one day believe You are Lord; and besides You, there is no other...In Jesus’ Name-Amen!
By Sis. Lisa Williams


Deborah Whye - September 18th, 2024 at 6:09am

Amen and Amen! I am in aw whenever I see the Lord's creation! Thank you sister Lisa for this encouraging devotional!!!

Patsy Myers - September 18th, 2024 at 6:39am

Amen and amen!!!






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