The Forbidden Love

SCRIPTURE: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” I John 2:15
We are Christians; and we are known by the world for our love. God is serious about us loving; He set it up that how we love each other (in the faith) is evidence we are His. Oh, and we, children of the light, are called to love even to the point of loving those who we know are our enemies-Matthew 5:44. In Matthew 22:37, Jesus commands us to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, and minds. We are called to Love! So could there be times when we are forbidden to love?

Well, in the verse above, God calls our attention to who, what, and when we are not to love. The vain love of the world is forbidden to those who are of the Father (Faith). Our Lord sets limits for our affections. He desires to keep us safe from the sins that so easily besets us. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life are real. God imputed His righteousness to us through Jesus, His Son and our Savior. We are known to God and He wants us to believe Him as Truth with our entire existence. There is victory in only Him; and He wants us to dodge the bullets (or the fiery darts) of this world. For the world promotes dark temptations as it is determined to hate us.

God presents the world as a true threat. This word, world, is all that rebels against the Lord and His Word. Objects of our affection should always be in alignment and in submission to God’s Word. Not loving the things of the world means not to obey or be in agreement with the systems that arise from it. We are to guard ourselves from its sources of cravings, lusts, pridefulness...for these cause death. We are called to love that which brings us life and produces fruit of His righteousness. Hallelujah!!

Prayer: Lord, though we are prone to wander and leave You, please, oh God, grant us Your wisdom and faith to walk in Your most precious will and not have passions for that which causes You grief. Lord, help us to walk in all of Your Splendor that You have set before us, in Christ Jesus. That we would cherish You and all You have done for us that we would bless Your Name in everything we say and do. We are grateful for Your great commitment, Father, to love us even before we were found by You. For we were lost! And You placed us in the Light. In Jesus’ Name- Amen!
By Sis. Lisa Williams


Deborah Whye - September 14th, 2024 at 5:47am

Amen and thank you sister Lisa for the encouraging devotional on how we should love not the world!

Paula S. - September 14th, 2024 at 6:13am

We see how man can worship the created rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever. It is a fight not to get caught up in beautiful little trappings of this world-for all of it is perishing. Instead let’s give thanks for it and for the One who created it, because He is good!!!! Amen and thank you, Sis. Lisa.

Pat T - September 15th, 2024 at 5:32am


Wendy - September 15th, 2024 at 10:44pm

Amen ?Amen!

Deacon McNeal Brockington - September 16th, 2024 at 7:15am

Amen, were in the world, but not of the world, left in this world as His love letters, bidding the lost to be found, to come 'home'.






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