Salt and Light: Shining in a World of Darkness
For some of our Genesis Bible Fellowship Youth and Young Adults (Gen. B.FY), their introduction to Jesus started in the Nursery. For others the journey began in Primary Church and their faith walk was grown in AWANA, Daughters of the King, Boys of Christ, Buds to Blossoms and at home. Now we can read about Gen. B.FY's fruit of their faith, the testimony of their Christian Walk! Be encouraged by God’s Word and their Devotional.
SCRIPTURE: “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. 14You are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-16 (ESV)

Most people enjoy food with flavor, right? Some like to kick it up a notch by adding a blend of spices, sauces, and herbs. But one ingredient that is never forgotten is salt. Whether you’re baking, frying, sautéing, or grilling, salt is used to add and amplify the flavor of food. As Christians, how can we be salt and light in people’s lives? Is it through our deeds, a simple ‘How are you today?’ or just being there to listen?
After leaving Arbutus Middle School (AMS), God revealed the influence I made on the staff and students. During the internship, students were extremely comfortable sharing almost anything and everything with me. They told me about their families, favorite and least favorite teachers, challenges within other classes, and an abundance of silly jokes. One day after class was finished, I overheard students discussing whether transgenderism was a sin. Moments later, I heard them whispering, ‘Let’s ask Mr. V (me).’ One student proceeded to ask me, but in that moment, I prayed and asked God how I should do this. It wasn’t the right time to answer his question. So, God kept his question on my mind, and after a couple of days, God said, ‘Go, now is the time to answer his question.’ When I saw the student, I reminded him of the question he asked me. Then, I told him why it was a sin, and he said, ‘I believe it’s a sin too. I just wanted to get your thoughts on it.’
I always send my mentors text messages when I was on my way to AMS, but one day, the band teacher was going through a rough day. I could tell he wasn’t himself. After dropping me off at my dorm, I asked if he needed prayer or wanted to talk. He didn’t answer me. A few days later, he thanked me for my concern and appreciated that I reached out. After that, he said that he smiles when he reads my morning texts and is thankful to see me.
In one of the thank you letters, a student described me as loving, caring, patient, and kind. She thanked me for helping her improve her musical knowledge. Two other students said they loved how the mood was brightened whenever they were around me. Another student said, ‘Whenever I come to school, you have a smile that lights up every day.’
I will always cherish the moments I shared with my mentors and students. I look back and realize how crucial it is for us (Christians) to be salt and light in this world. Sometimes, the impact we’ve had on people is unknown, and there are times when it’s revealed to us. Without salt and light, what would the world look like?
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me of my duty to be salt and light in this world. Thank You for using me for Your glory and to be an example of Christ to other people. As long as I live, guide me and instruct me to be salt and light in a world of darkness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
By Bro. Valarous Lingham
After leaving Arbutus Middle School (AMS), God revealed the influence I made on the staff and students. During the internship, students were extremely comfortable sharing almost anything and everything with me. They told me about their families, favorite and least favorite teachers, challenges within other classes, and an abundance of silly jokes. One day after class was finished, I overheard students discussing whether transgenderism was a sin. Moments later, I heard them whispering, ‘Let’s ask Mr. V (me).’ One student proceeded to ask me, but in that moment, I prayed and asked God how I should do this. It wasn’t the right time to answer his question. So, God kept his question on my mind, and after a couple of days, God said, ‘Go, now is the time to answer his question.’ When I saw the student, I reminded him of the question he asked me. Then, I told him why it was a sin, and he said, ‘I believe it’s a sin too. I just wanted to get your thoughts on it.’
I always send my mentors text messages when I was on my way to AMS, but one day, the band teacher was going through a rough day. I could tell he wasn’t himself. After dropping me off at my dorm, I asked if he needed prayer or wanted to talk. He didn’t answer me. A few days later, he thanked me for my concern and appreciated that I reached out. After that, he said that he smiles when he reads my morning texts and is thankful to see me.
In one of the thank you letters, a student described me as loving, caring, patient, and kind. She thanked me for helping her improve her musical knowledge. Two other students said they loved how the mood was brightened whenever they were around me. Another student said, ‘Whenever I come to school, you have a smile that lights up every day.’
I will always cherish the moments I shared with my mentors and students. I look back and realize how crucial it is for us (Christians) to be salt and light in this world. Sometimes, the impact we’ve had on people is unknown, and there are times when it’s revealed to us. Without salt and light, what would the world look like?
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me of my duty to be salt and light in this world. Thank You for using me for Your glory and to be an example of Christ to other people. As long as I live, guide me and instruct me to be salt and light in a world of darkness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
By Bro. Valarous Lingham
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One Thing Needed
February 18th, 2025
Apple of God’s Eye
February 17th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
February 16th, 2025
Stop In the Name of Love
February 14th, 2025
The Discipline of God
February 13th, 2025
Birthday Gifts for Pastor Wayne Cockrell.
February 12th, 2025
Will You Be Mine?
February 11th, 2025
Heart to Heart with God
February 10th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
February 9th, 2025
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to God
February 8th, 2025
Amen and Amen! Thanks for the encouragement! I pray everyday to let my light shine before men that they may see my good works and glorify my Father who is in heaven!!! Bless you brother Valarous!!!
It's always good, even godly, to engage those about you with kindness, liberally and creatively and as personably as the Spirit leads. Praise God for the salt and light experiences that shaped us. Amen.