Christ in Me

Our youth are learning that they stand on Christ the Solid Rock and that all other ground is sinking sand. Make sure you check out what our Genesis Bible Fellowship Youth and Young Adults (Gen. B.FY) have written! Be encouraged by God’s Word and their devotionals and please make sure to encourage them.
SCRIPTURE: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
I believe there comes a time in a believer’s life where you have to refocus and redefine your relationship with Christ. For me, that time was last summer in Atlanta, Georgia, during my internship with the Hawks. Being in a new city and not knowing a whole lot of people pushed me to spend a lot more uninterrupted time with God. My relationship with God improved tremendously because of the time I dedicated to Him. In that time, God opened my eyes to many things that had been leading me further away from Him. Before I could grow my relationship with Christ, I had to reevaluate the life that I had been living.

That point became even clearer during my senior year of college. I couldn’t do the same things I had been used to doing. I had to start setting boundaries with people. I would be lying if I said this was an easy thing to do. I struggled time and time again to change certain aspects of my life to which I had grown accustomed. I fell short many times, but God is greater than my shortcomings. God continued to guide me in the ways that I should go and His impact on my life was felt consistently. I couldn’t vibe with the same music to which I used to listen. I didn’t talk the same way or interact with people the same. I started becoming a new man and it was because I wasn’t living for myself or my flesh. I was living for God and Christ was living in me.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray for those that are reading this devotion that are struggling to live a life pleasing to You. I pray that You show them that You are the only way and the life they are trying to live is nothing compared to life with You. Work on their hearts and make them see You in ways that appear impossible. God, I thank You for molding me and continuing to work on me so I can share my story with others for the elevation of Your Kingdom. I pray for those that are struggling in their walk right now and need guidance. And I also pray for those that are lost and don’t know You, God. I pray they take that leap of faith for You, Lord. I pray all these things in Your wonderful and matchless name and in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and your Holy Spirit. Amen!
By Bro. Kendall Manns


Kim - June 10th, 2024 at 5:17am

Amen! Thank you Bro Kendall

Deborah Whye - June 10th, 2024 at 6:05am

Amen Kendal! Thanking God for your transparency! Continue giving God the glory!!!

Deacon and Sister Brockington - June 10th, 2024 at 10:13am

Amen. Jesus came and gave Himself, for me. Amazing!

nWhat an incredible reality to awaken with every day.

nGod bless.

Wendy - June 10th, 2024 at 1:42pm

Amen Bro Kendall! The life you now lived is for Christ, allowing His presence to fill your entire life!!

Cheryl Torain - June 11th, 2024 at 8:30am

Amen and Blessings for a "right now word" Bro. Kendall. Encouraging!!

Novella D Carpenter - June 11th, 2024 at 9:53am

Amen! A made-up mind to follow Jesus.






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