Is Patience Really a Virtue

On the top ten list of the most dreaded Biblical Lesson to learn, forgiveness has to be number one and patience comes in a close second. This week our Team will encourage us with a variety of devotions about “Patience to Wait on the Lord.” Meditate on this chapter this week and may your hearts be uplifted!
SCRIPTURE: "Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation.2 He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” Psalm 62:1-2
Patience is a virtue they say, but are they correct? Is being able to wait calmly without becoming angry or frustrated really a valuable character trait? In this age of computer technology and online shopping waiting has become a thing of the past. For a fee you can get your packages the same day, obtain your banking information in a matter of seconds, and even money can appear in your account instantly. For the impatient this is perfect. Because honestly, no one likes waiting in a ‘I want it now’ world. Just like toddlers, you can hear many adults complaining about waiting, “How much longer?"  "Are we there yet?"  "I’m ready to go!"  "I want it now!”
Believers would never have such tantrums with God, right? Believers aren’t demanding answers or blessings from God, immediately, are they? To the contrary, some believers do want it now, some believers tire waiting on the Lord for a child, a husband, a wife, a better job, healing, or answers. Patience brings about longsuffering…who wants that? No, no patience is not for me. Consider these things before you rule patience out:
1. Waiting on the Lord will strengthen your heart. Psalm 27:14
2. When we wait on the Lord He does hear our cries. Psalm 40:1
3. Waiting on the Lord means He will renew our strength. Isaiah 40:31

Failure to wait on the Lord often causes unwanted and unnecessary pain. The Lord wants us to depend solely on Him and when we do it seems that we are able to withstand anything that life throws our way.

Prayer: Lord, please forgive our impatience. Forgive us for leaning on our own understanding. Help us Lord to understand the importance of waiting. Remind us Lord that Your way and Your timing is perfect. Forgive us Lord for doubting You. Thank you, Lord for Jesus the Christ who is our example of how to live a pleasing life in Your sight. In Jesus name, Amen.
Sis. Pat Towns


D.T. Diggs - May 22nd, 2024 at 6:53am

Amen, Sis. Pat. The Lord is usually cultivating something within us when He causes us to wait. This should lead us to trust Him even more intently during that process, leaning on His all-sufficient grace to do so one day at a time. Thanks for the encouragement.

Cheryl Torain - May 22nd, 2024 at 11:02am

Blessings and thank you for an on-time devotional!!!

Wendy - May 22nd, 2024 at 7:21pm

Amen 🙏Amen ! Patience helps you avoid hasty decisions, be patient with others…

Debora Brockington - May 23rd, 2024 at 9:51am

Amen Sis. Pat, I am a witness that acting out of emotions, impulse, or when I am in a fight or flight mode has caused more problems for me. I have learned to pause or wait, breathe, pray, trust in the Lord, seek Him and allow the Holy Spirit to guide me.Often times, I don't have to do anything else but wait, and He works it out for my good.

n 🙌🏽🙏🏾🙌🏽

Deacon Brockington - May 23rd, 2024 at 9:54am

For patience sake, pray we all 'wait'. In this we should not hesitate.

nAllow the Spirit His full sway. Be patient friend, do not delay!

nFor courage thrives where patience is, informing us that we are His.

nLet patience have its perfect ends, to start as every day begins.

nWait on the Lord. I say, Wait on the Lord.

nWait on the Lord, dear friend, wait on the Lord.

Pat T - May 24th, 2024 at 6:49pm

Love this






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