Blinded by Hate
Conflict is never a desirable interaction, but God has deemed it necessary to produce spiritual growth in us and conformity into the image of Jesus Christ. But, LORD, is there another way? Nope! We must trust God's process! So this week, join our Devotional Team and be prepared for the challenge of the topic, "Resistance to Anger and Hate in Conflict." Purpose to commit these scriptures to memory and watch what the Lord will do!
SCRIPTURE: “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:26-27
SCRIPTURE: “But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” 1 John 2:11 11
SCRIPTURE: “But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” 1 John 2:11 11

My spiritual walk is measured by where I am with other people,
Often, I forget that the Lord loves that person I chose to hate, equally.
This can cause my feelings and thoughts to consider darkness,
Making sense of my ill-advised views, while neglecting His purpose.
Consistently, this person has disappointed, disrespected, or offended me,
As long as our paths do not cross and my offender stays away, I’m free.
Their mere presence creates conflict while adding fuel to my fire,
Validating my anger and hate solely on incidents that occurred prior.
On the other hand!
My persona exhibits that I love the Lord with a grateful heart,
Celebrating His goodness, yet my thoughts and actions are far apart.
Lord, You are the light at my feet that guides my ordered steps,
Yet, Your Spirit is hard to interpret and my prayers You continually reject.
As long as I carry hate, I will face internal torment and demise,
The darkness that I walk in will continue to blind my eyes’.
Making my perspective more credible than the Lords,
Refusing to be accountable, while Your commands I avoid.
Ultimately, I am describing what’s real and wrong in my sight,
Rather than considering what’s biblically righteous through His might.
Holy Spirit!
I desperately need Your assistance and help.
You’ve reminded me already I no longer live for myself.
As I replay what they did, they are unworthy of my grace and mercy,
Then, the Holy Spirit reminded me, neither did I, and I’m just as unworthy.
Holy Spirit!
How do I come to the place of forgiveness, as I carry this hate?
As I seek Your face, You’ve directed me straight to Romans 5:8
I am asking for Your forgiveness so You can lift the blinders from my eyes,
I repent because of Mark one: fifteen, Jeremiah fifteen : nine, and Acts three : one - nine.
Prayer: Lord, my anger hinders me, and my hate keeps me out of alignment with You. My perspective, pain, and bitterness may be real, but they should not supersede Your truth. There is no doubt about it Your help is needed for those that get to the point of hating who You love. But that’s what walking in darkness does. You are my light! Remove this sin from my heart that I may love like You. I lift this prayer in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
By Bro. Glenny Moore
Often, I forget that the Lord loves that person I chose to hate, equally.
This can cause my feelings and thoughts to consider darkness,
Making sense of my ill-advised views, while neglecting His purpose.
Consistently, this person has disappointed, disrespected, or offended me,
As long as our paths do not cross and my offender stays away, I’m free.
Their mere presence creates conflict while adding fuel to my fire,
Validating my anger and hate solely on incidents that occurred prior.
On the other hand!
My persona exhibits that I love the Lord with a grateful heart,
Celebrating His goodness, yet my thoughts and actions are far apart.
Lord, You are the light at my feet that guides my ordered steps,
Yet, Your Spirit is hard to interpret and my prayers You continually reject.
As long as I carry hate, I will face internal torment and demise,
The darkness that I walk in will continue to blind my eyes’.
Making my perspective more credible than the Lords,
Refusing to be accountable, while Your commands I avoid.
Ultimately, I am describing what’s real and wrong in my sight,
Rather than considering what’s biblically righteous through His might.
Holy Spirit!
I desperately need Your assistance and help.
You’ve reminded me already I no longer live for myself.
As I replay what they did, they are unworthy of my grace and mercy,
Then, the Holy Spirit reminded me, neither did I, and I’m just as unworthy.
Holy Spirit!
How do I come to the place of forgiveness, as I carry this hate?
As I seek Your face, You’ve directed me straight to Romans 5:8
I am asking for Your forgiveness so You can lift the blinders from my eyes,
I repent because of Mark one: fifteen, Jeremiah fifteen : nine, and Acts three : one - nine.
Prayer: Lord, my anger hinders me, and my hate keeps me out of alignment with You. My perspective, pain, and bitterness may be real, but they should not supersede Your truth. There is no doubt about it Your help is needed for those that get to the point of hating who You love. But that’s what walking in darkness does. You are my light! Remove this sin from my heart that I may love like You. I lift this prayer in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
By Bro. Glenny Moore
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One Thing Needed
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Apple of God’s Eye
February 17th, 2025
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Stop In the Name of Love
February 14th, 2025
The Discipline of God
February 13th, 2025
Birthday Gifts for Pastor Wayne Cockrell.
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Will You Be Mine?
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Heart to Heart with God
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SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
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A Prayer of Thanksgiving to God
February 8th, 2025
Amen and Amen? y brother!
Amen! Praying for those that willingly hurt others thinking they are better and are getting away with it; heal the broken hearts and spirits 💕
Praise the Lord for Truth!!
So true!
Amen ! Forgiveness is at the very heart of the gospel Colossians 3:13...
Our groundedness in grat
Our groundedness in gratitude will resist the hateful attitude.