We are in Christ
We end this week of Devotionals on Rejection of Gossip, Slander, Lies and Discord. And pray that you were ministered to and challenged by these devotionals. Spend these last few days committing to memorize this scripture and live by it!
SCRIPTURE: These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among the brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19 - 16

Saints of God, one of the keys to the Christian race is to remember who we are, especially during our most vulnerable times. We possess salvation! We have been purchased by Christ’s blood. He so loved us that He died for our sin. He exchanged His holiness for our sin; for we are created in Christ Jesus unto GOOD works. We move, breathe, and have our being in the Lord’s Christ. He is our everything!
Therefore, to experience the joy of our salvation, we must walk closely and circumspectly (Ephesians. 5:15) to what He instructs. We are called to obedience. However, before we were His, He provided grace for when we would fail in our practice. Shall we take His grace for granted and readily choose sin? No, of course not. Exhibiting the behaviors listed in the verse above is diabolically against what God instructs. Whether a culprit or a victim, the Lord gives a way of escape through the Holy Spirit’s guidance and conviction. Conviction causes us to raise our gaze to the One we say we love, the Lord Jesus. Even in mid-stream of a situation or conversation, we can intentionally and rapidly shift our conduct (of slander or entitlement to revenge) to embrace His abounding mercy through 1st John 1:9.
What shall we continue to say to the temptations to tear down another or to seek revenge when hurt? It’s simple. Let’s predetermine to carefully arrest and banish patterns of thought and behavior that lend to God's displeasure. Let’s just be a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), more than conquerors (Romans 8:37); victors over all that seek to condemn us (I Corinthians 15:57). Let’s guard our hearts and minds ever choosing to immerse ourselves in Jesus’ freedoms, truths, and righteousness.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You for Your Word; Help us to take all of our thoughts captive allowing You to redirect us and to preserve our saltiness. Help us to run to You for safety when we feel entitled to murder another’s character; that we would always keep who we are (in You) ever before us. Help us to deny ourselves and refrain from whatever threatens to destroy our peace with You. In Jesus’ Name-Amen
Sis. Lisa Williams
Therefore, to experience the joy of our salvation, we must walk closely and circumspectly (Ephesians. 5:15) to what He instructs. We are called to obedience. However, before we were His, He provided grace for when we would fail in our practice. Shall we take His grace for granted and readily choose sin? No, of course not. Exhibiting the behaviors listed in the verse above is diabolically against what God instructs. Whether a culprit or a victim, the Lord gives a way of escape through the Holy Spirit’s guidance and conviction. Conviction causes us to raise our gaze to the One we say we love, the Lord Jesus. Even in mid-stream of a situation or conversation, we can intentionally and rapidly shift our conduct (of slander or entitlement to revenge) to embrace His abounding mercy through 1st John 1:9.
What shall we continue to say to the temptations to tear down another or to seek revenge when hurt? It’s simple. Let’s predetermine to carefully arrest and banish patterns of thought and behavior that lend to God's displeasure. Let’s just be a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), more than conquerors (Romans 8:37); victors over all that seek to condemn us (I Corinthians 15:57). Let’s guard our hearts and minds ever choosing to immerse ourselves in Jesus’ freedoms, truths, and righteousness.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You for Your Word; Help us to take all of our thoughts captive allowing You to redirect us and to preserve our saltiness. Help us to run to You for safety when we feel entitled to murder another’s character; that we would always keep who we are (in You) ever before us. Help us to deny ourselves and refrain from whatever threatens to destroy our peace with You. In Jesus’ Name-Amen
Sis. Lisa Williams
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Weapons for Sin
March 10th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 9th, 2025
The Imperative to Obey and Work
March 8th, 2025
March 7th, 2025
Sound the Alarm
March 6th, 2025
Thank You, But Lord, I Got This
March 5th, 2025
Praise to God in His Holiness and Majesty
March 4th, 2025
God’s Prayer for Me
March 3rd, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 2nd, 2025
Where is Your Faith?
March 1st, 2025
Amen sister.
Amen and Amen!!
Amen my sister, amen!!
Amen Sister Lisa! I am alive with Christ. ( Ephesians 2:5)