The Offense Ward of the Sin Hospital
Just for today, we take a break from Rejection of Gossip, Slander, Lies and Discord. To reintroduce Forgiveness of Offenses.
SCRIPTURE: “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. " Matthew 6:14-15

When there is an unforgiven offense, it is like a sad merry-go-round, repeating its sad melody, forever tethering us to a cycle of thinking that rotates for years, and the only distance traveled is the 9–11-inch circumference of our brains. The merry-go-round repeats the offense, start to finish. It rehashes the hurt, shame, pain. It justifies the anger, disdain, separation. It does not seek reconciliation through forgiveness, but it does seek comfort from being the perpetual victim. The victim is forever chained to the offense and the two feed off each other and give birth to the ugly offspring, bondage!
Whom the Son sets free is truly free, indeed. ( John 8:36) Freedom from what I have birthed? Yes, freedom from the bondage of sin, the bondage of unforgiveness. How? By understanding that my offender’s sin is not greater than mine. Yes, I have been offended. Is there a chance that I might have also offended someone? Oh, we never think about what we’ve done to others. We only think about what has been done to us. Somehow our self-image is always pristine in light of another’s offense. Halos and cherubs surround us and angelic songs on harps begin to play as we enter a room. What if God, pulled out the play-by-play tape to show you the many times your foot-in-mouth disease landed another in the “Offense Ward of the Sin Hospital”?
The Offense Ward of the Sin Hospital is full of casualties, and the ones who make it out of the hospital are the ones who forgave men their trespasses. Yes, they were bruised and bandaged, but they remembered that their heavenly Father forgave them of their trespasses and they deemed it imperative to do the same. Jesus said “if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15) Ooooo, hand over mouth. He is right? Why should Jesus forgive me if I can’t forgive others? The cross of Jesus Christ is one of curse and shame. The Bible says cursed is the man who hangs from a tree (Galatians 3:13 ) and Jesus became that curse for us. Oh that my sins, my offenses and unforgiveness were the ones that nailed my Savior to the cross. Jesus, please forgive me and thank You for forgiving me.
As for the patients still in the Offense Ward of the Sin Hospital, their cycle of bondage still plays its sad melody of unforgiveness. Release that offense to Jesus. Tell Him the ways they hurt you. Tell Him ALL of it, and let Jesus tell you the ways you hurt Him. Let Him tell you ALL of it, repent, and forgive.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your forgiveness is simply phenomenal. We don’t deserve it, but Your grace keeps extending forgiveness like welcoming arms to a weary sinner, for which I am glad! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
By Paula Smith
Whom the Son sets free is truly free, indeed. ( John 8:36) Freedom from what I have birthed? Yes, freedom from the bondage of sin, the bondage of unforgiveness. How? By understanding that my offender’s sin is not greater than mine. Yes, I have been offended. Is there a chance that I might have also offended someone? Oh, we never think about what we’ve done to others. We only think about what has been done to us. Somehow our self-image is always pristine in light of another’s offense. Halos and cherubs surround us and angelic songs on harps begin to play as we enter a room. What if God, pulled out the play-by-play tape to show you the many times your foot-in-mouth disease landed another in the “Offense Ward of the Sin Hospital”?
The Offense Ward of the Sin Hospital is full of casualties, and the ones who make it out of the hospital are the ones who forgave men their trespasses. Yes, they were bruised and bandaged, but they remembered that their heavenly Father forgave them of their trespasses and they deemed it imperative to do the same. Jesus said “if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15) Ooooo, hand over mouth. He is right? Why should Jesus forgive me if I can’t forgive others? The cross of Jesus Christ is one of curse and shame. The Bible says cursed is the man who hangs from a tree (Galatians 3:13 ) and Jesus became that curse for us. Oh that my sins, my offenses and unforgiveness were the ones that nailed my Savior to the cross. Jesus, please forgive me and thank You for forgiving me.
As for the patients still in the Offense Ward of the Sin Hospital, their cycle of bondage still plays its sad melody of unforgiveness. Release that offense to Jesus. Tell Him the ways they hurt you. Tell Him ALL of it, and let Jesus tell you the ways you hurt Him. Let Him tell you ALL of it, repent, and forgive.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your forgiveness is simply phenomenal. We don’t deserve it, but Your grace keeps extending forgiveness like welcoming arms to a weary sinner, for which I am glad! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
By Paula Smith
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ðŸ™ðŸ½ amen
Yes and Amen!, Lord shut our mouths when we use our words to tear down and not build.
Amen! Quickly forgive those who've offended you; release yourself from that "cage!"
Amen. I've been in this hospital.
Yes Lord, You have set the captives free but then we've some stepping to do. Walk in the light... forgive.
AmenðŸ™ðŸ½ I've been in the sin hospital too... replaying the tape, justifying my anger. Everything you described Sis. Paula, I am a witness to. I could go on with my testimony, but I'll just say that the separation from the Lord because of my anger was too much to bear. But thanks be to God that He brought to my remembrance how much He loves me, and the price He paid to show His love, even when I was His enemy. Praise the Lord that He softened my heart and taught me how to die to self, to love my enemy. 🙌ðŸ½ðŸ™ŒðŸ½ðŸ™ŒðŸ½