Scripture:  “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness, and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace”. Ephesians 4:1-3 (NKJV)
 Paul emphasizes first, Christian unity, because unity in the body is important.  For, a worthy walk involves all humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance, and love. Such words are relational. Take note of the importance of interpersonal relationships in the church and in the home. We are to grow in loving relationships one to another (Eph. 4-6). The Jews and Gentile as one.

True unity among believers already exists because of the work of the Sovereign Spirit when He baptized us in the body of Christ through the ‘new’ birth. The basis for unity is that we are members of one body, indwelled by one Holy Spirit, called in one hope of our calling. We have one God, in our heart is one faith, by the Spirit we have received one baptism; there is one God and Father of all who believe, cleansed by one blood, citizen of the one Heaven, we enjoy one Salvation.   Positionally we already have unity. Practically, that ‘unity ‘ is threatened by believer’s conduct. Christians must work to preserve (keep it) …. that which the Lord declares true of us. Harmonious relationships in the home and in the church do not happen automatically.
Therefore, maintaining or keeping the unity of the Spirit is to (1.) recognize that “Unity of the Spirit” is important in Christendom. (2.) Christ died for it.  He prayed that all who know Him be one (John 17). (3.) (Rom. 8:30) Our godly conduct should match this high calling. (4.) Humility is necessary. (5.) Gentleness implies strength under control. (6.) Believers must be patient with one another. Tolerance recognizes that, “it is not my idea, but it is all right.” Believers are to do all in the bonds of love.  Love tends to seek the highest good of the other person and seeks that peace that binds us together.  “Blessed are the Peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9). Christ Himself is our peace.  “When He rules as Lord of your life and of my life, we then have peace between us.” (based on Steven J Cole Lesson 25-Preserving Unity, 2013)

(A personal testimony)-My husband and I attended a church fellowship where he has preached from time to time. On this day, a fellowship meal was being held in the church’s fellowship hall. My husband and I proceeded to take our place in the buffet line, then looked about the crowd for a place where both of us could sit together. We spotted a large round table near the rear of the dining hall. There was a gentleman seated finishing his meal. He welcomed us and attempted to make accommodations at the table. We had prior contacts with this man, (in worship services) over the years. There were eyes on us to see what we were going to do. I could feel the attention on us as we took a seat and began to communicate with the gentleman. It was apparent that this man was a special challenged adult male who resides in a home near the church. He was wearing stylish casual wear; however, his hygiene needed attention. He ate fast and talked non- stop. Table etiquette was what it was. As he spoke food particles slipped between his missing teeth landing on the table -sometimes on my arm. He was very apologetic each time it happened.  This table was where we chose and we admit, it was where the Lord had placed us for His divine purpose. During our meal, another Christian brother joined our table. The first adult gentleman who sat at the table, finished his meal, excused himself then rushed off to the bus stop.  This scenario capsulated all the fruit of the spirit, here in this one setting. Tears well up in my eyes each time I recall how the Lord prayed that we be one. Some may call it, walking in a manner worthy of our calling, demonstrating humility, gentleness, patience, and tolerance in love, being diligent in preserving the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace,  no matter who.

PRAYER:  Lord, You provide many opportunities for Your children to grow and maintain unity of the Holy Spirit, in our church and home. Help me to continue to do so in obedience of faith and grow. Your way is right. Your righteous standard for maintaining “UNIYT” in our church and home is rooted in Your love, (‘one to another’). In Jesus’ Name Amen.
By Sis. Novella D Carpenter


Lisa - October 14th, 2023 at 1:07pm

May we pass the test of peace and harmony with the body in private and when everyone is looking. Let what we do forever glorify and please our Lord! Our journey in the faith!!! Bless you and Minister.

Paula S. - October 14th, 2023 at 2:00pm

Amen, Jesus wanted us to be as one, as He and the Father are one. Oh, to be one with our brothers and sisters in Christ.






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