SCRIPTURE: “Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart,….” Luke 18:1 (NASB)
The sanctuary was so quiet that one could almost hear a pin drop where the floor was carpet-free. All the congregants prayed one at a time, quietly waiting for the Spirit to move yet another saint to offer up praises and petitions at the weekly prayer meeting. Suddenly a typically quiet and reserved member began praying fervently that “Jeff” would not discover that his wife “Karen’s” baby was really fathered by their neighbor “Tom.” The praying woman’s petitions continued, ‘Lord, please heal the wounds suffered by “Officer Wright” during that weekend gun battle! He’s still in the I.C.U.!” As the increasingly fretful woman continued, a few of the other congregants sitting in the pews soon realized that her petitions were not at all for real people in dire straits, but for fictional characters in a soap opera! (This really happened, people!)

While we may chuckle at this account ---barring any severe mental decline on this woman’s part, or our  own in the course of time, God forbid—we can certainly agree that none of us today need to resort to praying for any fictional TV characters! There are ample REAL-LIFE individuals and crises, both present and looming on the horizon, to keep our ceaseless commitment to prayer fervent and anchored in reality.

When we hear countless news stories about the troubles ravaging our communities and the nation, we should sow the habit--if we have yet to do so—of uttering a quick and earnest petition for whatever the circumstances or happenings—even if it’s a brief “rocket” prayer. (You may recall one of Scripture’s most famous rocket prayers, uttered by the intrepid Apostle Peter,  ‘Lord, SAVE me’ [Matthew 14:30]! He thought he was about to drown after boldly stepping out in faith to walk on the water at our Savior’s bidding)! When our nearest and dearest loved ones and/ or faith family members experience adversities, saints, we are uniquely privileged to boldly approach through prayer the throne of grace as God’s purchased possession, and, if possible, offer to be Jesus’ hands and feet to offer some assistance to help our brother or sister in need. Let’s keep casting those cares!

PRAYER: O Father, as in the words of an old hymn we sang long ago, “I woke up this morning with my mind, (and it was stayed—stayed on Jesus); Hallelu, (Hallelu), Hallelu (Hallelu), Halleluuuuuyah!” Thank You for the precious privilege to cast every care upon You! In Jesus’ sweet name, AMEN! [hymn by Robert Wesby]
By Sis. Denise Diggs


Wendy - September 16th, 2023 at 8:17pm

Amen Sister Denise. There nothing we are going through, that we cannot cast on the Lord...

mcneal & debora brockington - September 18th, 2023 at 9:46am

Hallelujah! Let us all cast our cares before the LORD because HE cares for us!

Paula S - September 25th, 2023 at 6:45pm

Absolutely, Sis. Denise! Where else can we go, except to His throne of grace. He said He has heard my petitions and I believe by faith that if He hears them that He will also answer those petitions!






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