Scripture: "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."  James 4:7
Demons are real,
They latch on to what I think, love, or feel;

These forces can only do what I allow,
Leaving me to discern what’s appropriate or foul;

Demons are attractive while stirring up trouble,
Knowing my weaknesses to ensure my stumble;

They appear friendly, cunning, and beneficial,
Suddenly, that person, place or thing becomes habitual;

Demons target those who are vulnerable contenders,
They reside in friends, colleagues, and family members;

Demons infiltrate when we least expect it,
Strategically causing division, while roaming undetected;

Crafty and convincing by meeting us right where we are,
While I play a role, the demon’s intentions are to become the star;

Aiming to destroy my calling in ministry,
Seizing opportunities to ruin spiritual purpose and chemistry;

Twisting the truth to expose the unprepared,
Catching the weak asleep, as if demons really care;

The only way to resist temptations and demon attacks,
Is to rely on the Word of God to counterattack;

My assigned demons are committed to causing havoc permanently,
Therefore, I must put on my armor,  pray,  and flee immediately.

Prayer: There is so much I need to examine Lord. I must stay in tune with the Holy Spirit to contend with demons. Your wisdom and discernment are needed. Prompt me Lord when to go or stop, when to stay or run, or when to receive or refuse. Just as persistent as the demons are, I must be as vigilant in my prayers. Give me feet to flee Lord. I ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Moore


Deborah Whye - September 5th, 2023 at 5:43am


Neal and Debora Brockington - September 5th, 2023 at 10:43am

Amen🙏🏽Thank you Bro. Glenny for reminding us to put on our full armor, to not get distracted from what God intends for us, and to be ambassadors of Christ.

Paula S. - September 23rd, 2023 at 4:48am

Yes, he is that roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. May we be ever vigilant, ever discerning about his tactics.






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