Looking Stupid, Until It Started Rain

Scripture: "Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation. 2 You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female; 3 also seven each of birds of the air, male and female, to keep [a]the species alive on the face of all the earth. 4 For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will [b]destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.” 5 And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him. 6 Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters were on the earth." Genesis 7:1-24
Lord, I have to be honest, being an outlier isn’t easy,
I am called to be sanctified, and unto You well pleasing.
My standards and norms are no longer predicated by society,
My faith is the reference point, and the Lord is my priority.
Yet, the world is rapidly going in an evil and wicked direction,
The Lord’s values are overshadowed by the world’s perspectives.
So, He discloses His demands and commands in the Bible,
Many are unnatural, abnormal, and uncommon to follow.
It appears my life is filled with only suffering, failure, and pain,
Sometimes faith will make you look stupid, until it starts to rain.
Meanwhile, my faith is unpopular, hated, and unappealing,
The world chooses to value power, money, success, and feelings.
So, when I attempt to witness and inspire others in the way we should go,
Doubters and nonbelievers move grudgingly, without urgency, slothful, and slow.
Their ways appear so much easier, convenient, and comfortable,
Despite the destruction ahead, they remain faithless regardless of obstacles.
Although warnings signs are clear their thoughts and feelings became the priority,
Yet, I feel stupid and tempted to blend with the world as they are the majority.
It appears my life is filled with only suffering, failure, and pain,
Sometimes faith will make you look stupid, until it starts to rain.
Meanwhile, clouds and thunder hover over the sky,
I continue to build my faith rather than questioning why.
The urgency to rally others increasingly becomes complicated,
Naysayers laugh at my prayers and preparation as if the Lord is outdated.
So, I press on with His instructions, directions, and commands,
My faith kept me safe as He destroys and rebuild His land.
A few follows, but the rest continue to reject His commands, then remain,
Many times, I may look stupid, but I am covered by the Lord in the rain.
Prayer: Lord, I am so grateful that You chose me. Your grace and mercy are beyond what the world can ever offer. You are my safe haven, refuge, and protect. You promised to never put something before me I couldn’t bear. Thank You Father! In the name of Jesus! Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Moore
I am called to be sanctified, and unto You well pleasing.
My standards and norms are no longer predicated by society,
My faith is the reference point, and the Lord is my priority.
Yet, the world is rapidly going in an evil and wicked direction,
The Lord’s values are overshadowed by the world’s perspectives.
So, He discloses His demands and commands in the Bible,
Many are unnatural, abnormal, and uncommon to follow.
It appears my life is filled with only suffering, failure, and pain,
Sometimes faith will make you look stupid, until it starts to rain.
Meanwhile, my faith is unpopular, hated, and unappealing,
The world chooses to value power, money, success, and feelings.
So, when I attempt to witness and inspire others in the way we should go,
Doubters and nonbelievers move grudgingly, without urgency, slothful, and slow.
Their ways appear so much easier, convenient, and comfortable,
Despite the destruction ahead, they remain faithless regardless of obstacles.
Although warnings signs are clear their thoughts and feelings became the priority,
Yet, I feel stupid and tempted to blend with the world as they are the majority.
It appears my life is filled with only suffering, failure, and pain,
Sometimes faith will make you look stupid, until it starts to rain.
Meanwhile, clouds and thunder hover over the sky,
I continue to build my faith rather than questioning why.
The urgency to rally others increasingly becomes complicated,
Naysayers laugh at my prayers and preparation as if the Lord is outdated.
So, I press on with His instructions, directions, and commands,
My faith kept me safe as He destroys and rebuild His land.
A few follows, but the rest continue to reject His commands, then remain,
Many times, I may look stupid, but I am covered by the Lord in the rain.
Prayer: Lord, I am so grateful that You chose me. Your grace and mercy are beyond what the world can ever offer. You are my safe haven, refuge, and protect. You promised to never put something before me I couldn’t bear. Thank You Father! In the name of Jesus! Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Moore
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Yep, right from the lips of Noah... peace within the storm. Lord, help us to hold on.
Hallelujah for a "right now" challenge.