Tetelestai - Paid In Full

Scripture: "So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished!'
And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit." (John 19:30)
“Tetelestai” (te-tel- la- stai), the Hebrew word for the phrase “it is finished,”
literally means the sacrifice is complete or the debt has been paid in full. Tetelestai
was placed on the back of 1 st century legal documents to indicate that a debt had
been paid completely without any debt left. In the last moments of life, Jesus took
the time to tell the world that the debt of sin was paid in full with His
blood…tetelestai…it is finished (John 19:30).

Rejoice!! Rejoice!! Because for all who believe, the price of sin has been paid
(John 3:16). There is no longer a need to sacrifice the blood of goats, bulls, or
lambs (Leviticus 16:8-28) because He, Christ, became the sacrificial lamb.

Prayer: Jesus paid it all! All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain (and) He
washed it white as snow. Dear Lord, ‘thank you’ is not a strong enough term to
cover the gratitude that is felt for the sacrifice that was made for me. Thank You,
Lord, for Your obedience even unto the cross. Thank You, for Your forgiveness,
Your grace, and Your mercy towards me. Because of the obedience and sacrifice of
Christ, my sins, past, present, and future, have been forgiven. Lord, Your continued
guidance is necessary so I can live life in such a way that honors that gift that was
given before I was even thought of. With a full heart and a humble spirit, I thank
you. In the matchless name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
By Sis. Pat Towns


McNeal & Debora Brockington - April 24th, 2023 at 8:09am

"O' precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know. Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Thank You LORD.

Teressa Freeman - April 24th, 2023 at 5:51pm

Hallelujah to the King of Kings!!

Wendy - April 24th, 2023 at 7:36pm

Amen & Amen Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe sin have left a crimson stain he wash it white as snow!!

Novella D Carpenter - April 29th, 2023 at 2:23am

Amen! The debt I owed...was satisfied on the cross at Calvary.






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