The Reality of Jesus’ Thorn Crown

Scripture: “The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head,
and they put on Him a purple robe."  John 19:2
The throne crown of Jesus is a well-remembered image of the crucifixion. This
thorn-crown was thought of as some act the Roman soldiers decided at that
moment in time; yet it was within the Father’s plan (Isaiah 53:5).

A crown symbolizes royalty and honor, yet this crown’s intent is to cause pain,
bleeding, humiliation, and dishonor (John 19:2). Jesus surely endured many forms
of suffering while He ministered. Yet again, with this crown He endured much
discomfort for those He came to save. Jesus did not use His supernatural power to
gain personal comfort. He humbly traded His heavenly crown for a crown of
thorns; after all, His kingdom is not of this world (Matt. 27:28-29).

The thorn-branches mentioned in John 19:2 were not that of a simple rose
bush. Those thorns were much like that of mature, thick, sharp, pointed growth
with which no one would want to entangle himself while on a walk. Thorns
symbolize the consequence of sin. After Adam and Eve sinned, God cursed the
ground, saying, “Cursed is the ground for your sake…. Both thorns and thistles it
shall bring forth for you (Gen. 3:17b-18).” The fruit of sin is thorny, and thorny is
characterized as shame, fear, disgrace, and discouragement. These are things we
face daily. Jesus never experienced the fruit of sin until He bore our sins at
Calvary. The thorny crown is a picture of our sins piercing Jesus’ heart.

Prayer: Lord, I shall never forget what You endured at Calvary for sinful man.
Mankind has hope because You gave Your body and blood on the cross for the
whole world. I laid down my fruit of sin for the fruit of righteousness. In Christ
Jesus. Amen.
By Novella D Carpenter


Deborah Whye - April 22nd, 2023 at 7:13am


Denise Diggs - April 22nd, 2023 at 7:57am

Precious reminders of what my sins cost my Savior. Thank you, Sis. Novella.

Neal & Debora B. - April 24th, 2023 at 7:45am

'Gone, my transgressions and now I am free, all because Jesus was wounded for me.'

Thank You LORD for that most precious giving. Amen.






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