Footprints On the Mountainside Part II

SCRIPTURE: “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your God reign?” Isaiah 52:7 (NASB)
As we continue with the reflections from an Autumn 2022 Gideon's Baltimore Blitz, here are further musings to share.

5. I graduated in 1973 from Baltimore City College, a prominent local public high school in east
Baltimore. My joy during the blitz included giving Bibles out at the base of the school's hill as the
students left for the day. Dozens respectfully received their Bible, and not so many refused. This was quite a contrast with how we think of our city schools, as portrayed by the news reports. Then weeks later, I find out about a ruckus occurring at the historic City-Poly football game-- bleachers emptied out with all sorts of calamity. We had been present at both schools. So many received Bibles, and I thought, while not a good thing it could've been worse. No one was killed or injured, thanks be to God. Who knows what role one of those Bibles might've played--- maybe a knife brought stayed pocketed, maybe a gun was left in a car glove compartment, maybe a certain grace played out. We can only imagine.

6. Being a Gideon one learns that may actually mean, 'Not now'. Indeed, we all begin our own
journeys of faith leaving our prior's behind us. So when we encountered a school principal, and an accompanying student's parent on the school walkway, we had the wonderful opportunity to exercise kindness and patience, as they insisted we go across the street. We were within legal rights to be where we were, but they were rigid with their misunderstanding of what it meant to be on the street adjacent to the school. They did not accept a Bible then, though it was offered. Maybe the bridge-building of our meekness will matter, or perhaps the witness of a student, whose changed life will follow their understanding. Maybe they picked up a Bible on the sly. Next year is on the way, and who knows how God will work it out; but, we know He will.

7. If ever there was a pursuit of cheerleaders for the blitz, I'd say, listed with the top candidates would be Lynette Riddle of the Auxiliary, whose positive attitude and unfailing smile just remained impressive throughout it all, and this is with challenges of mobility and pain. By His grace, she owned it, it didn't own her. I watched her take on a breezy Baltimore with its stairs, awkward points of access, and uneven walkways carrying a load of Bibles and PWTs from one office to the next, typically returning with fewer Bibles. She was in it to win it, and it showed. As is stated on one of the Gideon cards from the Bible: "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the one who brings the good news..." Isaiah 52:7 The messenger matters, as does the message, and that's biblical.

PRAYER: Glory to God! As we encounter the masses, Lord let Your truth ring forth. Let us neither be ashamed to share Your Word, nor be given to discouragement when we are rejected. Help us to see each person we encounter as one who is precious and dear to You. May we continue to plant and water the seeds of salvation for You have promised to give the increase! Glory to Your name!
{Submissions of several blitz- related experiences/Bro. McNeal Brockington}


Deborah Whye - March 10th, 2023 at 6:27am

Amen to the Gideons for Spreading the Gospel. Hallelujah 🙌. Thank you brother Brockington for sharing this encouraging devotional.

Debora Brockington - March 10th, 2023 at 7:21am

Amen...Good reflections in God's grace, protection, and provisions during the Baltimore Blitz. Thank You LORD 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Denise Diggs - March 10th, 2023 at 8:10am

Praise God for regular sowers of the gospel seed! "..he who wins souls is wise." Prov. 11:30 Thank you, Bro. & Sis. Brockington for your faithfulness






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