Beneficial Grace

Scripture: Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
Grace saved the worst of us,
So, my heart is filled with gratefulness;

Yet, grace gives me no excuse to sin,
It inspires me to serve and draw closer to Him;

Grace isn’t controlled, limited, or restricted,
It’s an ongoing favor delegated for the elected;

Grace is a godly gesture beyond works or deeds,
Even the unexpected will undeservingly receive;

Salvation is established through grace,
An immeasurable gift that repairs and keeps us safe;

His grace doesn’t wither, His grace is my root,
While continuing in it, it bears plenty fruit;

Grace produces, preserves, flourishes, and sustains,
It vindicates with a purpose without being contained;

Therefore, I declare His grace with full acceptance,
Carrying His glory through my story, like a sweet-smelling fragrance;

Prayer: What would we do without Your grace my Lord? It’s an experience that allows us to bask in Your goodness. Your grace diminishes any thought that my favor is of me or provided through the world. It’s all about Your grace. Thank You Lord, in the name of Jesus!
By Bro. Glenny Moore  


Neal and Debora Brockington - March 4th, 2023 at 8:57pm

Amen...Without Your grace Father, where woud we be? Thank you Bro. Glenny for helping us to nreflect on His goodness and grace.

Novella D Carpenter - March 5th, 2023 at 1:14am

Amen. Your Grace is enough for me.






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