Make It Personal

Scripture: Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."
     In this world where pronouns seem to matter immensely, believers should use pronouns proudly as well. Although society has turned third person pronouns into a social agenda about sexual designation, believers should use their pronouns to show the personal relationship they have with Christ. A pronoun is simply a word that refers to either the speaker or someone being spoken about; it takes the place of a noun. The prefix PRO in the word pronoun means for, for-noun.

     It is important, when talking about Christ, that the believer is clear about the personal relationship he/she has with Christ. Don’t be ashamed to say, ‘I love the Lord’ or ‘On Christ the solid rock I stand.’ Christ was not ashamed when He made His love for us personal. Christ laid down HIS life for us (1John 3:16). Additionally, Christ said, Come to Me, all who are weak and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, learn from Me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:28-30). Isn’t that personal? Yes, everything about Christ is personal. Not only did Christ make His love for us personal--that love came with action. Christ told us who He was by using the subject pronoun “I” and the action word (verb) “am.” He said:
I Am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
I Am the Light of the World. (John 8:12)
I Am the door of the sheep. (John 10:7-9)
I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11 & 14)
I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes to the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
I am the True Vine… (John 15:1-2)

     Christ, who laid down His life for us, who is our intercessor, made it personal and we should also. Proudly use your pronouns, “I”- (subject pronouns) I love the Lord, “me” - (object pronoun) Christ saved me, “mine” –(possessive pronoun). The joy of the Lord is mine, and even “this/that” – (Demonstrative pronouns). This joy I have, the world didn’t give it to me.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, as the world seems to be turning upside down, we can firmly stand on what you have said. There is no new gospel to fit sin. Lord, help us to double down on what Your word says. Help us to remember that we must represent You correctly amidst a perverse world. As others are boldly and proudly stating who they are and what they stand for, help us do the same. You have told us who You are and we should boldly and proudly say who we are and what we stand for. Forgive us, Lord, for failing to use our personal pronouns when speaking about you. Forgive us for being afraid to stand for You and Your ways when doing so was uncomfortable. Thank you, Lord, for new opportunities to proudly show the world who we are and whose we are. Thank you, Lord, for Your Son, Jesus the Christ, who made His love for me personal by dying on the cross for my sins and rising so I can have eternal life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
By Sis. Patricia Towns


Paula - February 26th, 2023 at 5:06am

Amen. Wonderful encouragement Sis. Oat. Thank you.

Deborah Whye - February 26th, 2023 at 7:15am

Amen my sister! Thank you for this encouraging devotional! Powerful!!

Novella D Carpenter - February 27th, 2023 at 8:25pm

Christ is the true God who is the Word in fresh, and the Word is truth.

Neal and Debora Brockington - March 1st, 2023 at 8:58am

Indeed, the gospel is the power of God unto our salvation, and by that we've peace.






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