HE IN WE, AND WE IN HE! [where 'we' can also be 'me'] (Part I)

SCRIPTURE:  "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give You the desires of your heart."  Psalm 37:4
"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."    Colossians 2:6,7
          We are comfortable with '1 plus 1 equals 2,’ and for most purposes there is comfort with '0.999 plus 0.999 equaling two, practically. Except for a special regard of 'plus,’ will '1 plus 1 equal 11'.  And never would we agree with  '1 plus 1 equaling 3, or 0, or 27.”

        If only understanding matters of the human heart and the heart of God were so easy, but we can have common ground! Seeing Jesus makes it all clearer. All things to be understood intersect at the cross! At the cross holiness meets sin, grace, and mercy meets justice, love meets wrath, good meets evil, and glory meets the fallen.  With such understanding we are called to live the uncommon life for Jesus, and the unpopular life for Jesus, and the glorious life for Jesus. We are called to enter the sometimes-caustic clouds of controversy and conflict, as well as the fog of acceptable indifferences with great and ingratiating grace, which, for all practical purposes, is love in action.  Today's devotional proceeds in advance of 'Martin Luther King Day.’ His living sermon which is our living sermon is to live the high life, the yielded life,  in a manner which blesses God and purposes to help others. Live the next moment as if it were the last moment... a perspective guaranteed to bless.

       My 'now' moment of appreciating Rev. King, sees him as having been a Christian leader and a savvy civic leader, a strong, gifted black man and a distressed black man, a sensitive man and a rebel, a thoughtful gentleman-scholar and a fighter, a friend of the community and a globalist, an everyman and an ambassador, a husband-father-family man and a world celebrity, a saint and a sinner, all eventuating in martyrdom. It all speaks to a greater humanity shown, which you'd expect as you 'walk in Him.’ When I pause, I still ache with his absence, and the 'dream' he shared, which has yet to be  fully realized. Monuments, a special day, awards, parades, and dedicated streets [though with value] are no substitute for an underappreciated heavenly 'dream' and an absent hero. Our present ache is logical.

PRAYER:  Lord Jesus, I am grateful for the life that You showed and shared, and for the many varied seed-sowers and water-sprinklers put upon my path, just to have me sprout in the spirit. I pray for God-honoring steps, and on my part, an unashamed faith walk. Quicken such within me, and help me to be ever mindful of You and Yours everyday, until my victory is complete in practice, to rest vividly upon Your completed work on my behalf. Forgive me for my style and choice of willful stumbling Jesus, and help me to do and be better today. All honor, glory and praise to You, O' God!  Amen.  
By Bro. Brockington


Deborah Whye - February 20th, 2023 at 6:46am

Amen my brother!!

Novella Carpenter - February 20th, 2023 at 7:40am


Wend - February 20th, 2023 at 11:27am

Amen! Brother Brockington very uplifting Devotional!!






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