God in Genesis gave us a rainbow, with yellow being the boldest, brightest hue in the visible color spectrum. Intuitively we respond to that by allowing its use as an attention getter, a part of standard traffic signals informing us to prepare to slow down or expect the need to stop. Often yellow is used in art to depict the sun, even in kindergarten, without much prompting; our 'artwork' when depicting the sun required that fat yellow crayon. In imperial China the color yellow was often used to highlight the formal robes of the emperor alone, allowing his distinctive authority to be exemplified by that color, for special ceremonies. Moreover, historically in some communities, an announcement equivalent to 'quit eyeballing my gal,' had a chap have his girlfriend wear a yellow ribbon, or scarf around her neck, communicating that 'she's spoken for.’ ['She Wore A Yellow Ribbon' was a film starring a then young John Wayne]

The 1970s offered us, as well, the popular 'Tie A Yellow Ribbon'[round the old oak tree], sung by Tony Orlando and Dawn, a song-tale having us empathize with a young man returning home after three years' absence, hopeful to find the lover he left. Nearing home on the bus, the signal to welcome him back to her would be a yellow ribbon tied around 'the' old oak tree. Obviously this would be, on her part, both a personal and a public expression of her having a similar high hope. If the ribbon was not there [and it would be hard to miss] to the young man, it would communicate non-interest, by which he would commit to turn around and leave. If the ribbon was there, however, it would mean welcome back; I've been waiting! It attests to personal longing and yearning, of exclusivity and risk-taking, and letting devotion be expressed with the specifics of a set time and particular place, the 'date' of all dates. It is a love song. Not only is the one yellow ribbon left there for him to see, but there are ninety nine more!

A sign, in order to work, must stand out, and so we have the brightest of colors upon the duller tree, and we have the contrast of the newer synthetic ribbon upon the old natural rugged oak.   Being 'the' old oak tree, it’s likely a distinctive tree within the town, with a history that generations of the town can appreciate. We have an eccentric and purposeful action within a common ordinary space. The contrast speaks loudly and is specific enough to not be regarded as a coincidence.

In like manner the exuberance of love is expressed both divinely and very humanly in the Song of Solomon. By some accounts, it is an allegorical window through which we appreciate the intense nature of God's love for us, and when reciprocated, how it is remarkably beautiful, across both its organic and spiritual elements; you could even call it 'Edenic.’

PRAYER:  Dearest Jesus, as the new year begins with all of our plans, expectations and hopes poured out upon it, help us to begin the new year simply adoring You, in praise, in prayer, in worship, and in outreach. And much as the tidal wave of Your care has washed us pure, may such, by measure touch others whom You have put in our way, unto blessing, in Your name we ask it, and gratefully say, Amen.
By Bro. Brockington


Paula - January 13th, 2023 at 6:03am

Amen Bro. Brockington, to simply adore our Savior in praise, prayer, worship and outreach. Thanks for the encouragement.

Denise Diggs - January 13th, 2023 at 7:05am

Amen, Bro. Brockington! Reminds me of Luke 18:8, which asks, When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Thought- provoking.

Cheryl Torain - January 13th, 2023 at 9:43pm

I love and worship Him because He first loved me!! Hallelujah!!!

Novella D Carpenter - January 16th, 2023 at 1:33am

Amen! You have a gift for writing.! Thanks for sharing.






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