Thanksgiving to the God of Deliverance

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 107:1-43 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy, 3 And gathered out of the lands, From the east and from the west, From the north and from the south…
It’s my divine duty to let others know of the goodness of the Lord
His willingness and faithfulness produce hope, so I can move forward;

Yes, I am blessed and highly favored
But it’s even better when I can share His goodness with neighbors;

He has redeemed me from my enemies
Now, I can see, Who is the true Friend of me;

He seeks out the lost, troubled, and hurt
He delivers them from distress even when undeserving;

That’s why thanksgiving remains on my tongue
I can testify as a witness where my freedom comes from;

There should be rejoicing when things are well, or even in sickness
Where praise starts and finishes, there should be much thanksgiving;

Storms will come, but He will not save us from them
Storms will come, yet He will deliver us out of them;

The Lord simply wants us to call His name
He wants to be our go-to, even in our shame;

As I continue to exhibit rebellion
I deny His help and reject His dominion;

He desires us to cry out solely to Him
He desires repentance for our ongoing sins;

Forgive me Father and thank You for helping me in the wilderness
You are worthy of thanksgiving, as You paved the way for my deliverance.

Prayer: You are worthy of thanksgiving! I rejoice that You have authority over me. Time after time You have saved and delivered me. So, I thank You, Lord! I know Your lovingkindness. Now, I will share it with others. In the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
(by Glenny Z. Moore)

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