Mid-Day Prayers

Scripture: Psalm 119:9-11 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. 10 With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! 11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.

I prayed early this morning, and I’ve been challenged already
Satan, temptation, and the flesh are rising, all before 11

My continual prayers ceased at some point
I had no idea that my choices would disappoint

Clearly, the Holy Spirit must be activated moment to moment
Mid-Day conviction caused me to confess, repent and own them

How can a young man cleanse his ways?
How can I still serve the Lord the rest of the day?

Thank You Father once again for never leaving me nor forsaking me
The Word that I’ve hidden in my heart hinders sin from overtaking me

So, I’ve encouraged myself based on what is written
It allows me to see clearly what’s ungodly and forbidden

I’ve made it my aim to please the Lord
My sufferings are self-inflicted, and I can’t afford

This afternoon requires fervent prayers
Obstacles may exist, but nothing I couldn’t bear

Therefore, I will eat my lunch with a peace that can’t be taken away
Surrendering my faith to the Lord, as He dominates the rest of this day

Prayer: The scriptures tell us that trouble awaits. We can’t take a moment off. Spiritual warfare requires more than what I can offer. Thank You Lord for providing everything I need to win against the things that go against me. I love You Father! In the name of Your Son, Amen!

(by Glenny Z. Moore)

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