The Test of Times

Scripture:  Zechariah 13:9 I will bring the one-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined,

And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them.
I will say, ‘This is My people’; And each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’ ”

Lord! I’ve been praying and praying about my matters
Your ways are not my ways, so patience, I haven’t mastered

Although, I know waiting is a part of the plan
My issues, trials, and dilemmas are in urgent demand

Yet, I’ve learned that answered prayers may take weeks, months, or even years
So, the lesson in the blessing may create times of rejoicing, suffering, or even tears

This process causes me to learn some things I can’t learn otherwise
Learning about myself and what the Lord is developing by design

So, the Lord permits tests to change our worse to reveal His best
While I worked on the prayer, the Lord worked on me to provide the request

Through the fire, I begin seeing things His way throughout the duration
He begins adding and taking away things for the sake of my purification

Meanwhile, impurities begin burning off
Refining my reflection as the filth is washed

Now, as tests arise, the Lord can see His righteous reflection
My waiting generated faith, while He provided strength and protection

After going through the test, prayers are answered
Now I’m more prone to adhere to what He promised and said

Therefore, during persistent prayers, I can rest
Knowingly, stress may come before, He trusts me with success

Prayer: Lord, You are so mysterious in Your ways. Often, I allow my difficulties to overshadow Your divine plans. These are the times I use my physical eyes as the final say, rather than fixing my eyes on You. Your outcome is far better than mine. Thank You for Your patience and faithfulness towards me. I lift this prayer in the name of my Lord and Savor Jesus Christ.

(by Glenny Z. Moore)

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