God Directs Our Paths

Scriptures: (Prov. 3:5, 6, NKJ) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: (v. 6) In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. (Ps. 36:11) In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do with me.

Quote: The times when you and I can’t trace His hand of purpose, we must trust His heart of love.

We are subject to stay with a tour guide to get to all the exciting attractions along the paths that have already been pre-established for visitors. It is always best to follow our guide or risk the benefit of having a guide. Many unforeseen pitfalls have already been dealt with in the plan.

God’s people, the Israelites, knew something about seeking the Lord for direction for their lives.  While they dealt with the wilderness experience, it would have been too much to ponder and beyond their understanding to attempt to chart their own course. There weren’t clearly designed roads or warning signs of danger ahead. God promised that He would direct their paths (v. 3:6). He never failed them. God keeps His promises when we obey His precepts. All of His precepts are sure (Ps. 111:7). Our obedience prepares us to receive and enjoy what He has planned for us no matter where we find ourselves. His righteousness (v.3), His covenants (vv. 5,9), and His precepts (v. 8) are forever.

Sheep need guiding, because they are prone to wonder, even from the God of love.  He knows who delights in Him. He is God. Therefore, are we receiving God’s guidance in our daily walk with Him. There are conditions for receiving His guidance. (1.) We must learn God’s truth (Word). His will is revealed in His Word (Col. 1:9), and the only way we will know that is to study and obey the Word of truth. By receiving the word of truth in our heart, we experience spiritual growth, and our growth is noted in a character change. Our character is who we are on the inside. (2.) When we know God’s will, then we must obey His will (vv. 5-8). He shall direct your paths (v.6), is a promise to us. That promise must be fulfilled based on our obedience to the Lord. That can also mean to trust Him with our whole heart and obey Him in all our ways. Be committed to Him (Rom. 12:1). God sees our heart, and He knows who is committed to Him. (3.) There is a problem when we lean on our own understanding.  We risk missing God’s will. That does not mean that you can’t think for yourselves, but that we are being warned and cautioned to not depend on our own wisdom and experiences. There is a danger of becoming wise in ones’ own eyes. That most definitely leads to trouble. (4.) We share God’s blessings (Prov. 9-10) when we allow God to direct our path.  If we don’t faithfully give to the Lord, then it shows that we don’t trust Him. Christian giving should flow from the heart. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt.6:21). (5.) Lastly, we are responsible to submit to God’s chastening (Prov. 3:11-12). Chastening is part of God’s plan to help to mature His children in godly character (Heb. 12:1-11). Chastening may hurt us, but never will it harm us; because God chastens in love (Deut.8:2-5).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have warned us against trusting in ourselves as it serves as no good purpose. Your Word advises us to trust in the Lord. Also we are  to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways, and He will direct our paths. Help us to practice this truth as we yield to the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(by Novella D. Carpenter)

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