THE Greatest TRUE Story (Part 1)

Scripture:  John 10:9, 11 (NASB) - I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out  and find pasture…I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the  sheep.
I love movies.  Sometimes the novel version is so engaging that someone produces a movie of that story.  Where applicable, it’s always exciting to compare the two depictions.  I often prefer the written version of a story because it tends to include more character-revealing details; and isn’t it hope-inspiring that not every biblical figure, excepting our Lord and  Savior Jesus, was perfect? (James 5:17)  They were flawed and in need of redemption, just like us!  Isn’t it greater STILL that we have in the Holy Bible a reliable, time-tested, and divinely inspired account of our risen Savior, the God-Man Christ Jesus?!     Whether a story is in book or movie form, I tend to favor those with a happy ending, or the ones based upon a TRUE story; and, friends, we can have no TRUER story-- or better yet-- no truer ACCOUNT of God’s interaction with humankind than God’s Word, the Holy Bible.  NO exceptions! (John 17:17; Revelation 22:7)
The gospel accounts of Jesus and His gift of salvation, offered to all who will hear it and believe ON HIM, depict THE “greatest story ever told!” I’m persuaded that the Spirit revealed this fact in 1 John 1:1-3, well before the screenwriters of that 1965 movie of the same name!  We can delight in and be supernaturally ENCOURAGED by the gospel story and the entire Word of God for as long as we live—on into eternity—especially because we by saving faith know the ending! (Try reading Revelation chapters 21 and 22 every day for a month and be blessed by this “preview of coming ATTRACTIONS)!” 
We don’t even need to call our saving faith in Jesus’ redemptive work at Calvary, culminating in His resurrection, a “spoiler alert,” as is the case with a fictional film where the ending is revealed!  The ending of the gospel story is absolutely GLORIOUS for all who believe!  It gives us a MATCHLESS hope as time marches on!  We who believe joyfully anticipate the unfolding of the Revelation of Jesus Christ!

Prayer:   Oh, Abba, thank You for the day that You revealed with perfect clarity my need of Your GREAT salvation by  granting me divine faith in the redemption story:  THE GREATEST TRUE STORY ever told!   Thank You, LORD; Halleluiah! AMEN!

(by Denise Diggs)

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