He Saw the Best in Me

Scripture:  Romans 8:1 – There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

As a believer, even at your worse you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Imagine yourself at your worse. This doesn’t mean that you are committing a crime or in active sin but just at your worse. Imagine yourself extremely sick, in intense grief, or drowning in deep depression. Now ask yourself who would be there for you, unconditionally, without ever getting frustrated or complaining. No matter how much your family or friends love you at some time at your worse, they can only see what is being shown. Human frailty will cause them to go weary, or complain, or get frustrated even if just briefly; but not Christ. No matter what, Jesus can see your best. At a time in your life where things were difficult, hopeless, or just crazy, Jesus stepped in and saved you. For the saved, He redeemed you, even at your worse. Many Believers think that they chose Christ when in reality Christ chose them. At your worst, Jesus saw the Best in You before salvation and after. Gospel Songwriter, Marvin Sapp, wrote a song that sums this up. He wrote, “He saw the best in me when everyone else could only see the worst in me”. Have you been there before? Have you been in a place where the people around could not see past your worse? He went on to write, “When folks wrote you off and said you would never make it; what did He see? He saw the best.” Aren’t you glad that Jesus saw through your mess and saw your best? Even after all that, the songwriter was sure beyond a shadow of doubt that he was safe with Jesus because he wrote; “He is mine and I am his/It doesn’t matter what I did/He only sees me for who I am”. How great is it that at your worse, in the midst of your sin, at the zenith of your pain, Jesus sees your best? It did not matter what was going on at the time because He saw the best in you. The Bible tells us that nothing can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39); not even your worse. Romans 5:8 says, that Christ demonstrated His love toward me that while I was still a sinner; Christ died for me. So, even when you are full of grief, doubt, fear, hate, anger, self-loathing, confusion, or sickness; Christ sees through all of that and see’s your best.

Prayer: Lord, thank You, for seeing my best even at my worst. Thank You, for supporting me even when others gave up on me. Thank You, Lord, for being with me in the midst of every storm and despite any ugliness that I show, You see my best.  Lord, thank You for being my stronghold during trouble; in you I take refuge. Thank You, Lord, for forgiveness, for grace, and for mercy. Lord, thank You, for Your Son, Jesus the Christ, who died for me, thus making me a new creation. In the matchless name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

(by Patricia Towns)


Novella D Carpenter - March 19th, 2022 at 2:18am

Amen, Sister Pat

Patsy Myers - March 19th, 2022 at 6:40am


Deborah Whye - March 19th, 2022 at 7:18am

Amen! Thank you sister Pat for this encouraging devotional! I'm so glad that God demonstrated His love for me in that while I was yet a sinner He died for me!! Hallelujah!!!

Wendy - March 19th, 2022 at 11:20am

Amen! Sis pat. Thank you Lord no matter what I am so grateful He saw the best in me!






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