Life Lessons Jesus taught the Disciples (Part II)

Scripture: ( Matthew 28:20 CSB) …Teaching them to observe everything I commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Amen
I recall my childhood days when my father incorporated scripture in every aspect of my life. When correcting our actions (behavior), my father quoted scripture while instructing me in life lessons. It all paid off, big time. I learned lessons that have been with me throughout my life as I reflect on my past. God’s Word is beneficial for the next generation. I am a disciple and, I am making disciples.
Jesus promises to be involved in the believer’s life and the church in making disciples. Emmanuel, “God with us “ (Matt. 1:23)- will be with us until the end. We are to live our lives as bold disciples and go forth and equip others to do the same. Every life lesson Jesus taught the disciples helps to equip future generations in Kingdom agendas. “A disciple is to help people become progressively like Christ in character and conduct, in attitude and actions” (Tony Evans-CSB 2017).
During Jesus’ days with the people, He continuously worked on our behalf, teaching us lessons that transformed us into His likeness. His teaching is so prevalent for then, the now, and the future. We never graduate from being disciples. “We are disciples even when we are teaching others.” “Each one of you will always be a disciple of Jesus.” (Mark Altrogge 2020).
I have listed three of many powerful transforming lessons Jesus taught and is still teaching us today. (Mark Altrogge -2020)
1.“Jesus teaches His disciples to trust Him.”
We get fearful when finances are tight, Our child becomes ill, The aircraft hit turbulence, thousands of feet in the sky, we are having surgery, and we worry about our elderly parent and the future. Why? Because we fail to trust the Lord to care for us, protect us and provide for us. We cease believing that He will fulfill His promises. Trust Him. (Proverbs 3:5) - “Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” You should pray. Ask, seek and believe that He hears. Ask Jesus to help you to trust Him. Ask Him to give you peace as you wait.
2.“Jesus teaches His disciples to be humble.”
Jesus Himself is rhe perfect example of humility. to pattern after. “Though He is God, He humbled Himself and took on human weakness.”(Phil. 2:3-8) Jesus humbles Himself, and He taught his disciples to do likewise. “Humble yourselves, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time, He may exalt you, casting all your cares, anxieties on Him, because He cares for you” (I Peter 5:6-7). Humble people realize they need the Lord. Jesus takes His disciples through every kind of life situation to help them learn how much we need to him to become humble, like Him.
3.Jesus teaches His disciples to hold on to the end.
Even Jesus had disciples who ceased to follow Him, particularly after hearing some of His hard sayings – “eat my flesh and drink my blood.” “After that, many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him” (John 6:66). The cares of this life cause people to fall away (Mark 4:16-17). Jesus says that we need to run the race with endurance. It does not matter how we start the race. What does matter is how we finish it (Hebrews 12:1-2). Jesus teaches you to fix your eyes on Him to endure to the end. Jesus can get you to the finish line.
Jesus’ plan throughout His walk with men is to transform you into His own likeness. Remember He is with you every step along the way. Nothing can stop Him from fulfilling His purpose.
Prayer: Jesus, your pan is perfect. For, how would I ever get to be transformed into your likeness on my own? You are sovereign, and your plans for us are indeed perfect and right. In Your name. Amen
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
I recall my childhood days when my father incorporated scripture in every aspect of my life. When correcting our actions (behavior), my father quoted scripture while instructing me in life lessons. It all paid off, big time. I learned lessons that have been with me throughout my life as I reflect on my past. God’s Word is beneficial for the next generation. I am a disciple and, I am making disciples.
Jesus promises to be involved in the believer’s life and the church in making disciples. Emmanuel, “God with us “ (Matt. 1:23)- will be with us until the end. We are to live our lives as bold disciples and go forth and equip others to do the same. Every life lesson Jesus taught the disciples helps to equip future generations in Kingdom agendas. “A disciple is to help people become progressively like Christ in character and conduct, in attitude and actions” (Tony Evans-CSB 2017).
During Jesus’ days with the people, He continuously worked on our behalf, teaching us lessons that transformed us into His likeness. His teaching is so prevalent for then, the now, and the future. We never graduate from being disciples. “We are disciples even when we are teaching others.” “Each one of you will always be a disciple of Jesus.” (Mark Altrogge 2020).
I have listed three of many powerful transforming lessons Jesus taught and is still teaching us today. (Mark Altrogge -2020)
1.“Jesus teaches His disciples to trust Him.”
We get fearful when finances are tight, Our child becomes ill, The aircraft hit turbulence, thousands of feet in the sky, we are having surgery, and we worry about our elderly parent and the future. Why? Because we fail to trust the Lord to care for us, protect us and provide for us. We cease believing that He will fulfill His promises. Trust Him. (Proverbs 3:5) - “Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” You should pray. Ask, seek and believe that He hears. Ask Jesus to help you to trust Him. Ask Him to give you peace as you wait.
2.“Jesus teaches His disciples to be humble.”
Jesus Himself is rhe perfect example of humility. to pattern after. “Though He is God, He humbled Himself and took on human weakness.”(Phil. 2:3-8) Jesus humbles Himself, and He taught his disciples to do likewise. “Humble yourselves, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time, He may exalt you, casting all your cares, anxieties on Him, because He cares for you” (I Peter 5:6-7). Humble people realize they need the Lord. Jesus takes His disciples through every kind of life situation to help them learn how much we need to him to become humble, like Him.
3.Jesus teaches His disciples to hold on to the end.
Even Jesus had disciples who ceased to follow Him, particularly after hearing some of His hard sayings – “eat my flesh and drink my blood.” “After that, many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him” (John 6:66). The cares of this life cause people to fall away (Mark 4:16-17). Jesus says that we need to run the race with endurance. It does not matter how we start the race. What does matter is how we finish it (Hebrews 12:1-2). Jesus teaches you to fix your eyes on Him to endure to the end. Jesus can get you to the finish line.
Jesus’ plan throughout His walk with men is to transform you into His own likeness. Remember He is with you every step along the way. Nothing can stop Him from fulfilling His purpose.
Prayer: Jesus, your pan is perfect. For, how would I ever get to be transformed into your likeness on my own? You are sovereign, and your plans for us are indeed perfect and right. In Your name. Amen
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
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An Expectation that Won’t Disappoint
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Beware the Ides of March
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The Imperative to Obey and Work
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Sound the Alarm
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Thank You, But Lord, I Got This
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Praise to God in His Holiness and Majesty
March 4th, 2025
God’s Prayer for Me
March 3rd, 2025
Amen sister Novella! Thank you for this encouraging devotional!
Amen, thank You Lord!