Trusting God in Disappointment

Scripture:  I Peter 2:6 HCSB - … and the one who believes in Him will never be put to shame.

From time to time, we feel the sting of disappointment – most of the time, it’s unwarranted. We’re disappointed about the job we applied for but didn’t get, the promotion we were passed over for, the man/woman we thought was “the one” riding off into the sunset with someone else, the solo you prayed for/practiced for that’s given to someone else on the choir … or that last piece of pie you planned to eat when you got home, only to learn that someone else beat you to it. No matter what the disappointment is, we subconsciously feel like we failed or that God failed (now we know the latter part of that sentence to be untrue – GOD NEVER FAILS!)

Did you know that we can still trust God even in the midst of life’s disappointing moments? Yes, I said moments because we must learn not to give too much time to things that distract us from God’s purpose for allowing it. We don’t want moments to turn into days, weeks, months and years of disappointment or depression over just a moment in time. It’s easier said than done but just hear me out …  

When God doesn’t answer our prayer our way, we tend to blame Him for not coming through for us. We wanna throw a tantrum, shake our fist at Him and tell Him how we REALLY feel! Sad thing is God is not moved by our emotions. He’s moved by our trust and faith in Him! Even in disappointment, we can see God moving. He’s probably shielding us from some hurt, harm or danger – seen or unseen, illness or injury. Remember, He is SOVEREIGN! He is omniscient! He is ALL – knowing! He knows everything! He knows the end from the beginning, He knows our needs and our wants … like I said – He knows EV VUH REE THING! So we can trust that He knows what He’s doing, even if He’s not doing what we want Him to do!

Choosing not to be disappointed is a learned behavior. We have to remind ourselves that we get to choose whether or not to be disappointed. When we choose not to be disappointed, it’s easier to trust that God knows what He’s doing and that He’s got our best interest at heart. When we choose to put our trust in Him, He anchors our souls, calms our fears, and comforts our hearts. The Word says if we trust in Him, we will not be confounded (Isaiah 49:23b, 1 Peter 2:6 KJV). Confounded could also be translated ashamed or disappointed. So, if the Father who inspired the Holy Word is telling us that if we trust Him, we will not be disappointed, why won’t we believe Him?! Now that’s something to think about, isn’t it??

God is bigger than any situation or challenge we will have in life – and boy, will we have them! But He is able to do it and do it better than we ever could! (Ephesians 3:20-21) The more we trust Him, the more we live the abundant life He promised us. The victory has already been won! We just have to walk in it … but we can’t walk in victory if we don’t trust and believe in the One who finished the work on the Cross for us and won the victory!

So, when disappointment raises its head, just say out loud “I CHOOSE TO TRUST GOD!” Say it til you believe it!

Prayer: Father, Your Word is truth! It is tried and true … and so are You! There is nothing too hard for You! You are a Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, my God – that is who You are! Remind us that we belong to You and that no matter what comes our way, You are aware of it! You know every detail of whatever it is we are going through. You know what You are trying to get out of us because You put it in us! When life brings disappointment, help us remember that You are STILL in full control! Help us to trust You more! In Jesus’ Name we always pray … AMEN!

(by Casey Turner)


Brittany - October 20th, 2021 at 5:23am


Deborah Whye - October 20th, 2021 at 6:28am

Amen and thank you sister Casey for this encouraging devotional! My God is Able even in the disappointments in my life!

Brother Brockington - October 20th, 2021 at 6:28am

Yahweh Jireh! Bless God.

Wendy - October 20th, 2021 at 9:44am

Amen! SiS Casey. Praise God I will trust in Him for ever I have an everlasting Rock!!

Cheryl Torain - October 20th, 2021 at 9:58am

Blessings upon you for such an inspirational and timely devotional.

Novella - October 20th, 2021 at 2:25pm

Amen!! Amen!!! This devotion ministered to me. Thanks, Sister Casey Turner

Pat T - October 20th, 2021 at 11:47pm

Anen!!! Such a positive way to view disappointment. Great point, God never disappoints.

Racheal - April 2nd, 2024 at 3:46am

Thank you lord

Popoola Adekunle Ayodeji - May 10th, 2024 at 5:53am

Amen🙏🙏🙏. Thank you 💕 Jesus






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