Don’t Straddle the YES Fence

Scripture: Revelation 3: 15-16 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

As a child in church, I sang gospel songs with exuberance and fervor. I sang loudly (probably off-key) and proudly; swaying and clapping (probably off-beat) to the melody. I sang with no regard to the words or what they meant. Singing the hymns and other gospel songs were simply routine-it was what was expected; it was what was done. Just like other young people, gospel songs were not the only songs I sang passionately without regard to the meaning of the words. However, as I grew in Christ, I began to hear songs differently; I began to really hear the words. Eventually, I began to become moved by the words and not just the melody. I also became convicted because I sang with passion but didn’t always mean what I sang so passionately. Isn’t it just like God to use something as simple as a song to grow me…to grow you? As a result, I became more aware of what I was singing. I became more aware of what those words (all words) really meant. One of my favorite songs was sung by Shirley Caesar (my grandmother loved Young Shirley Caesar). I Say Yes, Lord, Yes was released when I was 18 years old, still a babe in Christ but saved for many years—singing, praising, worshiping, going through the motions on Sundays, Wednesdays, & whenever my favorite “church” song came on the radio. So, I sang: I’ll say, “Yes, Lord, yes” to your will and to your way. I’ll say, “Yes, Lord, yes” I will trust You and obey. When your Spirit speaks to me with my whole heart I’ll agree and my answer will be, yes, Lord, yes”.  And at age 18 I meant those words but I did not totally understand with those words meant.

Fast-forward sixteen years, I’m no longer just a babe in Christ; I am a full-fledged adult (in Christ) much more aware of what my testimony means to the Lord, much more aware of what the songs I sing mean to the Lord, and much more aware of the importance of sincere praise and worship. I mean, we do sing unto the Lord and our praise and our worship should be more than just lip service and the enjoyment of a nice melody. However, the reality of what the Lord expected, even in praise and worship, hit me like an anvil dropped from the sky when I began singing, YES, by Shekinah Glory. The melodic tone of the lead singer and the musical arrangement drew me in and the words so poetic, so rhythmically soothing made them easy to remember; thus sing. After hearing and singing this song, I’m sure over 100 times, I heard the words for the first time: Will your heart and soul say yes? Will your Spirit still say yes? There is more that I require of thee. Will your heart and soul say yes? All God wants is yes! The songstress kept asking those questions. Moreover, in the midst of those questions were powerful statements. Statements that made it clear that what God expects from us may cause me or you to change our yes to a maybe. He’s saying, there is more that I require of thee. He’s calling you, higher. Will your spirit still say, yes? If I told you what I really need (from thee); would your heart and soul say, yes? I’m calling you out of your dry places. I predestined you before the world began to do My will.  Wow, those lyrics blew me away. I thought about those words. I pondered what the songwriter said. I considered the fact that God requires more of me and then I asked myself; If God told me what He really wanted (from me) would I just give mouth service or would my heart and soul say, yes? Boom! There it was; the conviction. So, I stopped singing the song. The Lord convicted me about my yes and I changed my answered to maybe which really means no. The bible tells us that God does not want us to be lukewarm; we are to be either hot or cold (that’s yes or no). There’s no in-between with God; there’s no gray area with God even though we often create one. A worship song convicted me so much that I had to stop singing it and re-evaluate my yes. I had to make sure that when I said yes to God it was more than lip service. I had to ensure that when I sang, yes, Lord yes, to Your will and to Your way that I meant yes and not maybe. I had to understand that maybe was the equivalent of being lukewarm and that being lukewarm caused the Lord to vomit.
After some much needed (not wanted) pruning and some much-needed growth I was able to sing along with the song singing: I won’t stray Jesus. I’ll do what You want me to do. I’ll go where You lead me. I won’t be afraid. I’ll step out on Your word. I’ll declare Your glory!

Prayer: Dear Lord, I know You, are calling us higher. I realize that even our praise and worship is meaningful to You and we should take what we sing to you seriously because You are listening. Forgive us, Lord, for being lukewarm. Forgive us for straddling the fence when we find out what You really want from us. Lord, thank you for reminding us that You will lead us and that we were predestined before the world began to do Your will. Thank you for Your patience with us when You call us higher and we choose to stay in the valley. Your faithfulness to us is immeasurable. Thank you for Your love and Your Son Jesus Christ who died for our sins and then rose so that we could live. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

(by Patricia Towns)


Denise Diggs - August 16th, 2021 at 5:57am

So true, Sis! Doctrinally-rich hymns and older gospel songs mean so much more to us as we grow up in Him! What a blessing!

Deborah Whye - August 16th, 2021 at 7:43am

Amen sister Pat! Thank you for this encouraging and convicting devotion!

Marsha - August 16th, 2021 at 8:03am

Thank you Pat for this thought provoking and encouraging devotional! Help me Lord to always say and mean it and apply it! o/

Wendy - August 16th, 2021 at 10:51am

Amen ! Sis pat. Thank you very eye opening Devotional!

Casey - August 16th, 2021 at 3:27pm

Amen Pat!!! I hear you and can SO relate!!! I am the same way about I Surrender All ...


Novella - August 16th, 2021 at 3:33pm

Amen Pat. He makes things glorious in His time. He knows what's in the heart of man, and He tests the mind.

Star Brewington - August 16th, 2021 at 9:03pm

Amen Sis. Pat! What an awesome devotional reminding us how the true meaning of a special gospel song or hymn can really touch our heart & soul so deeply within. Thank you Lord!

Teressa Freeman - August 16th, 2021 at 10:56pm

Amen and Amen! This message is totally convicting. Thanks for the reminder for me to reverence our Great and Holy God in everything I think, say, and do.

Rowan Newcomb - March 31st, 2024 at 10:09pm

Such a great message. I struggled with that verse and revelation for years. It'a God who places the desire in our hearts to do what's right according to his will. Amen and thank you!






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