My Truth Versus God’s Truth

Scripture:  James 1:20 - for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Divine progression is unlikely defined in a MOMENT
This prompts me not to live through feelings and EMOTIONS

I have the opportunity to choose a stance in CIRCUMSTANCES
Whether to approach with feelings or a Christ like MANNER

Despite, my intense emotions, feelings CHANGE
My truth is settled, and what offends me is the BLAME

I can list the facts and evidence on why I feel the way I FEEL
I can prove my point by describing the offenses and ORDEALS

Despite what others say, the way I feel this moment is my TRUTH
Even though, God’s Truth overtime provides hope and RENEWAL

Nevertheless, my truth thrives from the heart, mind, and five SENSES
However, God’s Truth is established through the Bible and Holy SPIRIT

Ultimately, God’s truth prepares me for any outcome, to refine ME
I’ve realized, unchecked emotions, cause strongholds to define ME

Meanwhile, I choose the wave of feelings that come my WAY
God’s Truth allows me to see which feelings should go, or STAY

My truth complicates, confuses, and distracts spiritual ADVANCEMENT
Deceiving me to seek self-gratification through emotional ANSWERS

Therefore, my truth is heightened emotions that are subject to CHANGE
Yet, God’s Truth revolves around righteous progression, as the ultimate AIM

Prayer:  Lord, I have to remember that my walk is no longer mines. I must embrace Galatians 2:20. My approach to my matters has to be beyond my five senses. My fight is in a spiritual realm. So, Lord I need Your Truth to set me straight. I need Your Truth to set me free. Lord, dominate my perceptions, choices, and actions. I am asking You for discernment beyond how I feel. I desire to please You. Continue to convict me Lord when my emotions attempt to get the best of me. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen!

(by Glenny Z. Moore)


Star Brewington - August 7th, 2021 at 6:56am

Amen Bro. Glenny! Feelings & emotions can be fickle. Thank you Lord that YOUR truth will never change but will remain the same FOREVER & EVER. Amen.

Pat T - August 7th, 2021 at 4:34pm


Marsha - August 7th, 2021 at 7:10pm


Novella - August 7th, 2021 at 8:23pm







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