Precious Memories

Scriptures: Luke 2:19 NKJ -  But Mary Kept all of these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:51c…But  His mother kept all these things in her heart.
One of the greatest gifts that God has given humanity is the amazing gift of memory. In a sense, memory allows us to relive moments that was special in times past. We love to cherish and hold onto memories. Reminiscing about our past takes us to a moment in time that brings comfort.  Many past events are indeed unforgettable, remaining ever so vivid and heartwarming. These unspoken, unwritten stories belong to you.
I recall an old hymn sang by our church’s  congregation when I was but a child. The words today still produce an emotional charge.

ChorusPrecious memories:
How they linger,
How they ever flood my soul.
In the stillness, of the midnight
Precious sacred scenes unfold.

We all have memories; good and bad ones, regrettable and unforgettable ones that leave footprints on our hearts. There are those precious childhood memories  that revisit our mind as we age.  In no particular order; early school days; the Junior/ Senior Proms; graduation ceremonies; learning to play an instrument or mastering a few foreign language phrases; marriage ceremony; the birth of a baby; Coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; baptism; first communion; death of parents; sicknesses and hospitalizations. As we mature physically, mentally and spiritually, past events unfold and are revisited. Each event helps to shape us into the person we’ve become and to experience God’s faithfulness. Remembering God’s faithfulness helps us to trust Him more. Memory of His deliverance, His provisions, testing and His mighty deed,s demonstrates His mighty power.
The writer of the Gospel of Luke sought to let us in on  expressions of Mary’s feelings, and the wonderous chain of events around the coming of a baby boy to be the Savior of Israel. Mary pondered all the things that were said to her; all the extradentary circumstances she remembered. They weighted heavy on her heart. In her mind she thought of such things often and anxiously.
Our  hearts ought to overflow with sheer joy and jubilation as scenes of our life’s journey unfold. God loves me so much that He  would remove our old desires and give us new desires for Jesus  Christ. We are no longer seen as an enemy of God or a sinner. We are seen as a saint. As saints walk with Christ, such memories help to maintain ones focus on the main things. The things that count and are worthy to be recalled. God sent His perfect Son to do what we could not do. (Eph. 2:12-13) – We were foreigners to the Covenant of promise, without hope, without God in the world, afar off, but now brought near by the blood of Christ. Hallelujah!
Beloved, painful memories we all would like to forget. We all have a stack of bad memories. The trauma from them can be overwhelming. Healing is not easy, but possible. We have a Savoir who mends, restores our brokenness and makes us new. The Lord understands your painful past- and He is faithful to help us all through it. God loves us with an everlasting love, and He uses our painful memories for His Glory.

Prayer: Lord God, I thank You for the gift of memory. My heart overflows with multiple flash backs of Your faithfulness. For memories of me, a believer, ought to be a blessing to others because of holy living practices – (follower of Christ). In Christ, Amen.

(by Novella D. Carpenter)


Denise D. - July 18th, 2021 at 6:28am

Amen! Thank you, Sis. Novella, for those uplifting words about the ministry of our memories!

Deborah Whye - July 18th, 2021 at 7:00am

Amen! Thank you my sister for this encouraging devotion on memory. Thank you Lord for memory.

Glenny Moore - July 18th, 2021 at 10:47am

Amen! The memory of His keeping power, keeps me going

Marsha - July 18th, 2021 at 1:17pm

Amen! Thank you Novella for this encouraging devotional on precious memories!!

Star Brewington - July 18th, 2021 at 9:54pm

Amen Sis Novella! Very encouraging & uplifting!

Casey Turner - July 19th, 2021 at 6:19am

Amen Sis Novella!! Very encouraging devotion! Thank You Lord for the gift of memory that testifies to Your GREAT faithfulness! 🙌🏾

Kim - July 19th, 2021 at 7:26am

Amen this is so precious!!!!






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