Prayer Is A Matter Of The Heart

Scripture:  Psalm 119

Prayer has an OBJECTIVE
Relationship with the Lord determines its EFFECTIVENESS

Where the heart stands is the biggest PART
Understanding the Lord’s position is where prayer STARTS

I am not the star of my PRAYERS
The Holy Spirit reigns as my heart is PREPARED

His biblical script demands high REGARD
Ultimately, this will determine my attitude towards GOD

Prayer is the avenue where the Lord and I MEET
A grateful and contrite heart will reveal His will to ME

Making petitions through a personal RELATIONSHIP
Renewing a heartless prayer to a heartfelt prayer that’s LEGIT

Rebuking mechanical and religious PURSUITS
Filtering ungodly requests and addressing sinful DISPUTES

His truth reveals where I AM
He speaks to me at a place that's unseen to MAN

So, how can I stay on the path of PURITY
Clearly, I must live through His Word, ACCORDINGLY

Therefore, I will hide Your Word in my HEART
Praying not to sin against You, and doing my purposeful PART

Prayer:  Lord, I know my heart is wicked. The only way that I can contend is to rely on Your Word. Clean my heart my heart Lord! I am thankful that I have an open line to You through prayer.  I desire to align myself with You. Lord, remove the distractions, save me from myself, and guide me through the storms. I will recite Your Word back to You for me to hear Your promises and commands. You told me to hide Your Word in my heart. Teach me Your ways, Father. I am rejoicing because You are awesome. I pray this prayer from the heart. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

(Poem by Glenny Z. Moore)


Brother Brockington - February 10th, 2021 at 5:35am

Amen and praise be to God.

Star Brewington - February 10th, 2021 at 6:06am

Amen Bro. Glenny!! My heart belongs to God, the keeper of my soul. Thank you Lord!

DEBORAH WHYE - February 10th, 2021 at 7:24am

Amen my brother!

Pat T - February 10th, 2021 at 8:02am

Amen!!! What a blessing to be able to talk to God.

Novella - February 10th, 2021 at 8:17am

Amen! Prayer avails much. Pray without ceasing to God the Father in the name of JESUS.

Marsha - February 10th, 2021 at 8:23am

Amen! Thank you Bro. Glenny for this encouraging devotional!! It is such a privilege to talk to the Lord!

Wendy - February 10th, 2021 at 10:59am

Amen Bro Glenny! Prayer is a powerful tool for the believers. Thank you Lord!

Casey Turner - February 12th, 2021 at 5:42am

Amen! Great reminder of the awesome privilege we have to talk to our Heavenly Father! Thank you for reminding us to never take this privilege for granted Bro Glenny!






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