From Cradle to the Cross, a Crown (Part I)
Scripture: (I Timothy 1:15 NKJ) This is a faithful saying and worthy of acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…
Christmas for me during my youth was such an exciting time of the winter season. The end of another year. It was then when I anticipated that the Christmas Holiday was near. A season of visiting relatives; Church and Sunday school drama around the Bible story of Jesus and his birth; tree trimming activity; festive lightings; a nativity scene was a must have. Roasting peanuts and gathering tree nuts for the holiday snacking was among the routines of the season. Not a year that passes whereas I don’t think of the way it used to be. Today this nation has turned into deep crises, troubles on all sides, suffering and pain. The real meaning of Christmas has long been washed over as sea shells on the beach. People have left baby Jesus in the Manger.
Many, if not most of the nation’s people are caught up into cyber shopping, presents; lighting house tops, trimming trees, hosting parties, adorning lawns with a Santa Clause, snowman and a nativity scene. Sadly, Christians have blended in with the worlds’ Christmas. The real Christmas message is hope for the human race. Let’s start with the cradle and work our way to the cross and a crown. I desire that you get a glimpse of all that God the Father orchestrated on our behalf through His begotten Son.
The Cradle: God Himself , clothed in human flesh came from heaven to earth. His mother Mary delivered the babe in the lowliest of places, called a stable for animals. His parents wrapped him in cloth and laid Him in an animals’ feeding troth. Who is this laying in a manger? He is, the one who would save His people from their sins; the one who would transform lives, set the captives free; God’s Son; The one who brought salvation down to man; the one who forgives sin; He who gives hope and grace to mankind; and the one who heals all diseases. He is The Prince of peace-Mary’s babe, born in Bethlehem of Judea.
The Cross: Jesus Himself said, “For this cause I was born (John 18:37).”
He came to sacrifice His life on a cross “to save sinners “ ( I Tim.1:15). The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (I Cor. 1:18). The blood of Jesus is omnipotent. There is power in the blood. God loves men (people) and delight in Mercy. God Commended His love to us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died on a cross (Rom. 5:8). His love is mercy and grace. He offers forgiveness- assurance of Heaven when we die. One sacrifice was accepted and the atonement is complete. Jesus died so that our sins could be forgiven. The cross itself is a symbol of Christ’s death on it. Those who turn to Him are delivered from both the penalty and the power of sin. All of our problems stems from sin or from the fallen world which we live. The solution to our problems center in the cross of Christ. “He bore our sins on the tree, that we having died to sins, might live for righteousness” (I Pet. 2:25).
“The cross shows us the depths of our sins. We don’t know what sin looks like in the sight of God -- how it offends Him and separates us from Him.” (Billy Graham 2004). Jesus agonized and prayed in the Garden (Matt.26:39). “What did Jesus see in the cup? He saw sins of the whole world! Murder, adultery, lying, racial prejudices and fraud” (Billy Graham 2004). The correctional facilities, police forces, armed forces and the courts show us that there is dreadfully something wrong with human behavior. The Bible calls it SIN. The message of the cross to the world is repent or perish!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, We believers acknowledge that our sins caused such a stain that it took Your action plan to rid us of that stain. We were indeed hopeless. You sent Your only begotten Son. It was His blood at Calvary that cleansed us of all unrighteousness -- present, past and future. Your plan was sufficient for our problem. Our attitude should be that of gratitude. In Jesus, Amen.
(By Novella D. Carpenter)
Christmas for me during my youth was such an exciting time of the winter season. The end of another year. It was then when I anticipated that the Christmas Holiday was near. A season of visiting relatives; Church and Sunday school drama around the Bible story of Jesus and his birth; tree trimming activity; festive lightings; a nativity scene was a must have. Roasting peanuts and gathering tree nuts for the holiday snacking was among the routines of the season. Not a year that passes whereas I don’t think of the way it used to be. Today this nation has turned into deep crises, troubles on all sides, suffering and pain. The real meaning of Christmas has long been washed over as sea shells on the beach. People have left baby Jesus in the Manger.
Many, if not most of the nation’s people are caught up into cyber shopping, presents; lighting house tops, trimming trees, hosting parties, adorning lawns with a Santa Clause, snowman and a nativity scene. Sadly, Christians have blended in with the worlds’ Christmas. The real Christmas message is hope for the human race. Let’s start with the cradle and work our way to the cross and a crown. I desire that you get a glimpse of all that God the Father orchestrated on our behalf through His begotten Son.
The Cradle: God Himself , clothed in human flesh came from heaven to earth. His mother Mary delivered the babe in the lowliest of places, called a stable for animals. His parents wrapped him in cloth and laid Him in an animals’ feeding troth. Who is this laying in a manger? He is, the one who would save His people from their sins; the one who would transform lives, set the captives free; God’s Son; The one who brought salvation down to man; the one who forgives sin; He who gives hope and grace to mankind; and the one who heals all diseases. He is The Prince of peace-Mary’s babe, born in Bethlehem of Judea.
The Cross: Jesus Himself said, “For this cause I was born (John 18:37).”
He came to sacrifice His life on a cross “to save sinners “ ( I Tim.1:15). The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (I Cor. 1:18). The blood of Jesus is omnipotent. There is power in the blood. God loves men (people) and delight in Mercy. God Commended His love to us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died on a cross (Rom. 5:8). His love is mercy and grace. He offers forgiveness- assurance of Heaven when we die. One sacrifice was accepted and the atonement is complete. Jesus died so that our sins could be forgiven. The cross itself is a symbol of Christ’s death on it. Those who turn to Him are delivered from both the penalty and the power of sin. All of our problems stems from sin or from the fallen world which we live. The solution to our problems center in the cross of Christ. “He bore our sins on the tree, that we having died to sins, might live for righteousness” (I Pet. 2:25).
“The cross shows us the depths of our sins. We don’t know what sin looks like in the sight of God -- how it offends Him and separates us from Him.” (Billy Graham 2004). Jesus agonized and prayed in the Garden (Matt.26:39). “What did Jesus see in the cup? He saw sins of the whole world! Murder, adultery, lying, racial prejudices and fraud” (Billy Graham 2004). The correctional facilities, police forces, armed forces and the courts show us that there is dreadfully something wrong with human behavior. The Bible calls it SIN. The message of the cross to the world is repent or perish!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, We believers acknowledge that our sins caused such a stain that it took Your action plan to rid us of that stain. We were indeed hopeless. You sent Your only begotten Son. It was His blood at Calvary that cleansed us of all unrighteousness -- present, past and future. Your plan was sufficient for our problem. Our attitude should be that of gratitude. In Jesus, Amen.
(By Novella D. Carpenter)
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Amen Sis. Novella. Father, thank you for holding me accountable for the unrighteous decisions I've made, from the righteous choices you've given me. Please forgive me for all the times I've fallen short of your expectations. Thank you for the Holy, and matchless gift of your Son's blood, which I haven't earned or deserve for my Salvation. Lord continue to use me to encourage, edify, and help others to turn to You only for guidance. In Jesus name I ask, please Father.
Beautiful testimony and reminder from God's Word.
Amen Sister Novella...
Amen and Amen!
Amen Sis. Novella!!!
Thank You Father. Iam Grateful Grateful Grateful for the Blood of JESUS !!