God Knows Your Name

Scripture: Ps. 139:3 (NASB) -You scrutinize my path and my lying down and are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
If you are like me, we have been to quite a few funerals in our lifetime. We’ve sat there in the pew, pensive, somber in mood, maybe even a bit contemplative about the reality of our own inevitable “farewell-for-now” service. Of course, it is only an “F.F.N.” service if we’ve trusted in Christ’s atoning death, burial, and resurrection for our individual soul!
That said, have you ever been impressed during a eulogy reading of someone with tidbits about them of which you were never aware? Maybe they were an award-winning dog trainer, served as a Navy Seal for a time, or perhaps they were a die-hard enthusiast of the iconic seventies group, “Earth, Wind, and Fire!” There are so many nuances to each of us that remain undisclosed, except by our closest loved ones, friends, or relatives. We seldom hear about the full spectrum of who they were until they’ve breathed their last!
Ah, but there is One who knows us thoroughly—before we were even born! (Ps. 139:16) He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out—out of the spiritual darkness enveloping this world—and into His Messianic fold! (John 10:3) He tells us in John 10:14, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.” How beautifully humbling that is to be loved by Someone who knows us so completely—from before the world’s foundation—and still chooses to set His faithful, exquisite love upon us, individually! “Behold, what manner of love….” Indeed! (1 John 4:1)
Prayer: Precious Savior God. Thank You for the many reminders in Your Book of Your awesome omniscience, and for the grace that You pour out upon us daily. May these realities motivate us to live more consciously in Your divine Presence! In Christ’s great name, we thank You; Amen!
(by Denise Diggs)
If you are like me, we have been to quite a few funerals in our lifetime. We’ve sat there in the pew, pensive, somber in mood, maybe even a bit contemplative about the reality of our own inevitable “farewell-for-now” service. Of course, it is only an “F.F.N.” service if we’ve trusted in Christ’s atoning death, burial, and resurrection for our individual soul!
That said, have you ever been impressed during a eulogy reading of someone with tidbits about them of which you were never aware? Maybe they were an award-winning dog trainer, served as a Navy Seal for a time, or perhaps they were a die-hard enthusiast of the iconic seventies group, “Earth, Wind, and Fire!” There are so many nuances to each of us that remain undisclosed, except by our closest loved ones, friends, or relatives. We seldom hear about the full spectrum of who they were until they’ve breathed their last!
Ah, but there is One who knows us thoroughly—before we were even born! (Ps. 139:16) He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out—out of the spiritual darkness enveloping this world—and into His Messianic fold! (John 10:3) He tells us in John 10:14, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.” How beautifully humbling that is to be loved by Someone who knows us so completely—from before the world’s foundation—and still chooses to set His faithful, exquisite love upon us, individually! “Behold, what manner of love….” Indeed! (1 John 4:1)
Prayer: Precious Savior God. Thank You for the many reminders in Your Book of Your awesome omniscience, and for the grace that You pour out upon us daily. May these realities motivate us to live more consciously in Your divine Presence! In Christ’s great name, we thank You; Amen!
(by Denise Diggs)
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Amen! Amen!
Amen sis!
Amen Sis. Denise!
Amen ! Sis. Excellent Devotion!!
Amen! Yes, He knows my name. you better believe it. Hallelujah!! He even knows when I sit down and when I rise! He knows. My God is all-knowing. Omniscience.