Put It in His Hands

Scripture:  Prov. 19:11  “A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.”

An account was related about someone approaching the late Ruth Bell Graham and attempting to relay an unfavorable report about something that her husband, the esteemed evangelist Billy Graham, had done.  Her calm response to the individual was, ‘I distinctively recall deciding to NOT remember that report.’ (Not a verbatim quote, but you get the gist).
As temporary residents living in a sin-cursed world, God’s people must employ discernment and wisdom in resisting people and situations that foment resentment, anger, and/or unforgiveness.  Such resistance must be maintained out of a heart dedicated to obeying Christ.   If we in a moment of thoughtlessness wrong someone and are made aware of our offense, we must seek out the offended party, acknowledge our sin, and ask their forgiveness.  (Rom. 12:18) If we are on the receiving end of the offense, and the offending person seems  oblivious to  their hurtful behavior-- having long moved on—even after we’ve patiently sought reconciliation-- we do well to just put the matter in God’s hands!

In major offenses involving Christ followers, more extended interaction may be called for, ala Matthew 18:15-17.  That said, sometimes offenses are simply minor irritations that erupt between one or more believers and earnestly forgiving the offense and putting it into God’s hands are the best remedy!  On our part, however, we must decide to intentionally and, as often as necessary, “forget” to be annoyed about the offense.  (This takes a lot of spiritual discipline)!  It helps, as well, to embrace some humility by reflecting on the many times our OWN acts, attitudes, or thoughts have offended our Lord!  If He responded to us in the same grudge-bearing manner as we Christians sometimes do, many of us would be quite bankrupt in the areas of peace and joy.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, You tell us in Your word that You are slow to anger; (Nahum 1:3), and we should be, too.  When our efforts to stamp out or remediate offenses fall on unresponsive hearts, give us grace to simply by faith leave the matter in Your hands.  Thank You, in Jesus’ name.  Amen!

(by Denise Diggs)


Brother Brockington - September 28th, 2020 at 5:34am

Praise God and Amen! What could be more 'one anotherly' than to forgive? So true for this season of political triggering, and philosophical absolutism.

Much healing needed. God is not the author of confusion. Putting it all in His hands, is to expect Love and Holiness from our own.

Deborah Whye - September 28th, 2020 at 7:37am

Amen sis!

Cynthia - September 28th, 2020 at 8:16am

Praise God!

Cheryl - September 28th, 2020 at 9:50am

Thank the Lord for challenging my heart and eventually I see that my sins are always against Him first before I can hold on to someone's against me.

Wendy - September 28th, 2020 at 12:16pm

Amen SisterDenise !

Novella D Carpenter - September 29th, 2020 at 11:52am

Amen! What a thought-provoking devotional.

Pat T - September 30th, 2020 at 7:05am

Amen! A great word for such a time as this.






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