The Importance of a Turning Point

Scripture: Jude 24 - Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.
What causes a shift in the road you take? There are many things that could do that: a sign on the road giving instruction and or direction, a bump in the road, and/or debris on the road. And just like a shift in the road, there are shifts in life made because of maybe parents and rules, an influential role-model, or an impactful message. No matter the cause of shift, the interruption was no accident. I think about Paul’s experience on the Damascus Road and how he was knocked off his horse, all to be introduced to the lover of His soul. As Paul, I had experiences which were turning points in my life. And for the purposes of encouragement and enlightenment, I will share two which occurred early in my life. There was the time at age 16, I was working at my McDonald’s and although I knew how my Dad felt about Sundays, I did not tell my manager I would not be able to work Sundays. And so the Sunday arrived that I was scheduled to work. I got up, bathed & proudly donned my McDonalds uniform. In the next room, as usual, my parents were listening to Christian radio while getting dressed for church. I decided the time was right to dash out of my room, go down stairs to head out the door to go to work. Just as I completed the first set of stairs, my Dad came out of his bedroom and asks me, “Where are you going?” And I said, “I have to go to work.” My Dad, with no hesitation, stated calmly and casually, “You call your job and tell them you will not be working today. You have church on Sundays.” I stomped up the stairs, carefully though; last thing I needed was a “whippin”, too. I did as my father stated and was teased by my co-workers, thereafter. Another turning point I remember, was the time my mom asked me to grab a can from the lower cupboard. Somehow, I did something to hurt myself while reaching for the can, and almost shouted out a “bad word” aka profanity. I caught that word with my dear life. I handed the can of vegetables to her hurriedly, and ran out of the kitchen. I phoned my BFF to tell her what happened; we laughed at my narrow death escape. I lost my appetite to use profanity again. These occurrences caused significant shifts in my life. As you can guess, I was raised in a Christian home where God’s Word and standard was revered. Jude 24, stated above (I love a doxology) speaks to a shift, a change of mind set. Although many have gone astray and are leaving their faith, God is able to keep you, yes, isolate, all those who are His. Not for anything in us (no righteousness of our own) but just because He is able to do so. I praise God for if I was allowed to work on Sundays, as many others, maybe I would have never grasped the idea that worship is important. And that if I was able to freely use profanity (again like some of my peers {definitely not my BFF}) that I would have never understood the power of using words which promote respect and integrity. What was prohibited in my home preserved me. God’s standards were held and honored which kept me from some stumbling, some errors which could have led me down to a bottomless pit. Grateful, the Lord had a plan for me that was established before the foundation of the world. And that plan was Jesus. He is the One who is able to present us faultless. Well, I’m sure you can recall some turning points in your life, too. He’s so Good!!
Prayer: God, we thank You for saving us from those potholes that may have caused our forever stumbling. You are able to preserve and keep us. Even when we fall, you have the perfect plan which will give us an escape and cause us to draw near once again to You. We are so grateful! Bless You, for You are our Strong Tower and You keep us safe…In Jesus’ Name-Amen!
(by Lisa Williams)
What causes a shift in the road you take? There are many things that could do that: a sign on the road giving instruction and or direction, a bump in the road, and/or debris on the road. And just like a shift in the road, there are shifts in life made because of maybe parents and rules, an influential role-model, or an impactful message. No matter the cause of shift, the interruption was no accident. I think about Paul’s experience on the Damascus Road and how he was knocked off his horse, all to be introduced to the lover of His soul. As Paul, I had experiences which were turning points in my life. And for the purposes of encouragement and enlightenment, I will share two which occurred early in my life. There was the time at age 16, I was working at my McDonald’s and although I knew how my Dad felt about Sundays, I did not tell my manager I would not be able to work Sundays. And so the Sunday arrived that I was scheduled to work. I got up, bathed & proudly donned my McDonalds uniform. In the next room, as usual, my parents were listening to Christian radio while getting dressed for church. I decided the time was right to dash out of my room, go down stairs to head out the door to go to work. Just as I completed the first set of stairs, my Dad came out of his bedroom and asks me, “Where are you going?” And I said, “I have to go to work.” My Dad, with no hesitation, stated calmly and casually, “You call your job and tell them you will not be working today. You have church on Sundays.” I stomped up the stairs, carefully though; last thing I needed was a “whippin”, too. I did as my father stated and was teased by my co-workers, thereafter. Another turning point I remember, was the time my mom asked me to grab a can from the lower cupboard. Somehow, I did something to hurt myself while reaching for the can, and almost shouted out a “bad word” aka profanity. I caught that word with my dear life. I handed the can of vegetables to her hurriedly, and ran out of the kitchen. I phoned my BFF to tell her what happened; we laughed at my narrow death escape. I lost my appetite to use profanity again. These occurrences caused significant shifts in my life. As you can guess, I was raised in a Christian home where God’s Word and standard was revered. Jude 24, stated above (I love a doxology) speaks to a shift, a change of mind set. Although many have gone astray and are leaving their faith, God is able to keep you, yes, isolate, all those who are His. Not for anything in us (no righteousness of our own) but just because He is able to do so. I praise God for if I was allowed to work on Sundays, as many others, maybe I would have never grasped the idea that worship is important. And that if I was able to freely use profanity (again like some of my peers {definitely not my BFF}) that I would have never understood the power of using words which promote respect and integrity. What was prohibited in my home preserved me. God’s standards were held and honored which kept me from some stumbling, some errors which could have led me down to a bottomless pit. Grateful, the Lord had a plan for me that was established before the foundation of the world. And that plan was Jesus. He is the One who is able to present us faultless. Well, I’m sure you can recall some turning points in your life, too. He’s so Good!!
Prayer: God, we thank You for saving us from those potholes that may have caused our forever stumbling. You are able to preserve and keep us. Even when we fall, you have the perfect plan which will give us an escape and cause us to draw near once again to You. We are so grateful! Bless You, for You are our Strong Tower and You keep us safe…In Jesus’ Name-Amen!
(by Lisa Williams)
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Weapons for Sin
March 10th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 9th, 2025
The Imperative to Obey and Work
March 8th, 2025
March 7th, 2025
Sound the Alarm
March 6th, 2025
Thank You, But Lord, I Got This
March 5th, 2025
Praise to God in His Holiness and Majesty
March 4th, 2025
God’s Prayer for Me
March 3rd, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 2nd, 2025
Where is Your Faith?
March 1st, 2025
Amen!! Thank you Lisa!!
Praise Jesus!
Yes praise the Lord for every turning point for my good and His glory.
Amen ! Lisa.Thank God He is so good to me!!!
Amen! Thanks, sister Lisa.
Amen Sis!