Pursuing Holiness

Scripture:  I Peter 1:15-16 -  but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.

We often see surveys that ask people if they are happy or satisfied with their work or enjoying life, but I’ve never seen an opinion poll that asked are you living a holy life?  Holiness is defined as living a separate life unto God, dedicated and consecrated for God’s service (to do His will).  (I Corinthians 3:16, Romans 12:1-2). Holiness is not something that people do, but something that God does in them.  What is the reason for living a holy life unto God?  (1 ) It will please God and accomplish His will – not my will.  It will protect your life from trouble and sin that will destroy your life. ( II Corinthians 7:1) (2 ) Living holy gives us peace with God and sweet fellowship with God in worship as we draw close to God. We are called by God to pursue peace with all people and holiness (Hebrews 12:14).  (3) As Christians God chastens us or disciples us through the process by which the believer is fitted to share in God’s holiness, which produces the peaceable fruit of righteousness (Hebrews 12:10-11).  (4) To live a life of purity, which will reflect the character of God’s holiness.

God is holy.  To be holy does not conform to a standard, because He is that standard.  God is absolutely holy with infinite, incomprehensible fulness of purity that is incapable of being other than He is.  Because He is holy, His attribute is holy.  That is whatever we think of as belonging to God must be thought of as holy. (A. W. Tozer)  Holiness is essentially defines the Christian’s new nature and conduct.  The reason for practicing a holy manner of living is that Christians are associated with a Holy God and must treat Him and His work with respect and reverence to bring honor and glory to Him – which is the best way to live a holy life unto God, (Leviticus 11:44-45, Isaiah 6:1-13) as Isaiah the prophet was commissioned to be God’s messenger.  In his vision he saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up and he cried out  and said holy, holy, holy is the Lord of host (also in Revelation 4:8).  As He saw God’s holiness, the greatness of God and His power, He also saw his sinfulness.  As we see that God is holy and realize that we are not holy, we should cry out in brokenness of heart for our sinful ways and repent of our sins.  Just as God had to cleanse Isaiah from his sins to prepare him to go on the  mission for Him, God also sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse us from our sin as He prepared us to go out on a mission for Him – taking the gospel/good news of Jesus to all of the world.  (Matthew 28:19, Hebrews 12:14)  He calls us to pursue holiness with a passion – for it is a privilege. (Romans 6:19)  Why do we pursue the things of this world more than we pursue the holiness of God?  Holiness is a foreign matter for most Christians today.  As we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God as we see Him for who He is and what we are not, we should cry out to God for forgiveness of our sins.  The Bible says a broken and contrite heart He will not despise (Psalms 51:17).  We must trust God for forgiveness of our sins.  He covers our unholiness through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who died on the cross for our past, present and future sins. We definitely don’t deserve to be forgiven of our sin.  Thank God for grace and mercy!!  (Romans 3:21-30, Romans 5:1, Colossians 1:22)  By faith and obedience and by constant meditation on the holiness of God, let us pursue after purity and righteousness – and turning away from sin.  (Romans 6:20-22)

Prayer:  Dear Father, I humble myself under Your mighty hand to confess my sins and shortcomings – my attitude and prideful ways.  Thank you for cleansing my sinful heart.  Thank you for the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.  Help me to continue to pursue after holiness, righteousness, and purity. Only God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit are holy and righteous, and sinless/perfect.  I give you all of the praise and worship, honor and glory for who You are.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(by Min. Robert Williams)


Debora - September 20th, 2020 at 6:32am

Amen Min. Williams! "Holiness is what I long for....", So Father, please change my mind, my heart and my will to Yours!

Marsha - September 20th, 2020 at 7:12am

Amen!!! It is my desire to live a life of holiness. -pleasing God!! Your devotional is a blessing to me!!!

Robert Ford - September 20th, 2020 at 7:34am

Amen Mim Williams always amen 🙏🏾 my brother always love.

McNeal Brockington - September 20th, 2020 at 10:37am

Amen, to refresh of Him, towards purity, goodness, and holiness, finding in that REST, purpose and opportunity and clarity! Holy. Spirit have Your way. Amen.

Deborah Whye - September 20th, 2020 at 11:17am

My desire is to live a holy life. Forgive me of my faults. I love you Lord. I enjoyed your devotional Minister Williams! Amen brother!

Novella D Carpenter - September 24th, 2020 at 12:16am

Amen. Very encouraging. Be ye Holy, for I am Holy






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