I Worship You Almighty God

Psalms 86:8 - Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; nor are there any works like Your works.
One of my favorite praise songs is a medley entitled “I Worship You Almighty God/There is None Like You”. The words of the song reflect the sentiment of my heart:
I worship You Almighty God
There is none like You.
I worship You O Prince of Peace.
That is what I long to do.
I give You praise
For You are my righteousness.
I worship You Almighty God.
There is none like You.
There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do.
I could search for all eternity long
And find, there is none like You.
This song/medley expresses a sincere desire to worship God and give Him praise – which is due Him! If you have ever talked with someone who has just fallen in love, you will notice that he/she will say something about that person over and over again in an enthusiastic way. That’s a picture of how passionate the Lord wants us to be about Him. In the Bible, David wrote psalms about God – even while his enemies were after him. Paul encouraged churches – even while he was persecuted or was imprisoned. Many were persecuted in the past and some were even martyred; but what kept them worshipping, praising, honoring, and being committed to the Lord was their love for the Lord – their close relationship/fellowship with the Lord. Our continual love for the Lord and desire to worship/praise Him daily is developed as we spend time with Him in the Word of God. Is God’s word affecting the decisions you make? Are you allowing the scriptures to check your thoughts/attitude, and change your priorities? Pastor Cockrell is always telling us that we have to think about what we are thinking about. What is the seed motivation for what you do?
If you want Jesus to be your everything, make Him more important than anything. Our special time with the Lord as we sing, worship, read God’s Word and pray, can change how we respond to what we are facing each day. For there is none like Him!
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You Lord for who You are. You are an awesome God, and there is none like You. I worship You, adore You, love You, and glorify Your name. As I spend time in Your Word, worship/praise You, tell others about You, please help me to apply what I read. All this I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
by Marsha Williams)
One of my favorite praise songs is a medley entitled “I Worship You Almighty God/There is None Like You”. The words of the song reflect the sentiment of my heart:
I worship You Almighty God
There is none like You.
I worship You O Prince of Peace.
That is what I long to do.
I give You praise
For You are my righteousness.
I worship You Almighty God.
There is none like You.
There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do.
I could search for all eternity long
And find, there is none like You.
This song/medley expresses a sincere desire to worship God and give Him praise – which is due Him! If you have ever talked with someone who has just fallen in love, you will notice that he/she will say something about that person over and over again in an enthusiastic way. That’s a picture of how passionate the Lord wants us to be about Him. In the Bible, David wrote psalms about God – even while his enemies were after him. Paul encouraged churches – even while he was persecuted or was imprisoned. Many were persecuted in the past and some were even martyred; but what kept them worshipping, praising, honoring, and being committed to the Lord was their love for the Lord – their close relationship/fellowship with the Lord. Our continual love for the Lord and desire to worship/praise Him daily is developed as we spend time with Him in the Word of God. Is God’s word affecting the decisions you make? Are you allowing the scriptures to check your thoughts/attitude, and change your priorities? Pastor Cockrell is always telling us that we have to think about what we are thinking about. What is the seed motivation for what you do?
If you want Jesus to be your everything, make Him more important than anything. Our special time with the Lord as we sing, worship, read God’s Word and pray, can change how we respond to what we are facing each day. For there is none like Him!
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You Lord for who You are. You are an awesome God, and there is none like You. I worship You, adore You, love You, and glorify Your name. As I spend time in Your Word, worship/praise You, tell others about You, please help me to apply what I read. All this I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
by Marsha Williams)
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Amen, an exclusive praise for a uniquely exclusive, sho nuff worthy , majestic and almighty Lord! Blessings and Baruch Hashem! (Blessed be the Name)
Amen Sis. Marsha! Thank you for reminding me that I am to worship Him with ALL my heart, mind, and soul.
Amen Sister Marsha! Awesome Devotion...
Worshipping God bring glory and honor to Him ,thank you Marsha for that devotion.