The What-If Club

Scripture:  Psalm 27:14 (NKJV) - Wait on the LORD; be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say on the LORD!

Abraham and Sarah,  King Saul, Jesus’ disciples in Luke 9:51-56-- all have something in common with you and I— we have all occasionally operated out of fear and anxiety, and run ahead of the One who bids us to trust in Him with all of our heart, and “to roll and repose each care of our load onto Him.” (Ps. 37:5 AMP) We’ve all been members of the “what-if” club, justifying our running ahead of our Lord, despite His decrees about having plans for us, plans to prosper us, rather than to harm us.  The One whose promises are backed by all the honor of His name, says that He sustains the righteous and urges us to cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us (Ps.138 (2b); Ps. 55:22).  Like these earlier-mentioned Bible personalities, we’ve all at times given way to fretting about the unknown future, thereby forfeiting present opportunities to grow in His peace, and intensify our awareness of His ever-present grace-- all because we succumbed to needless worry or anxiety about some circumstances beyond our control or people who do not share our Judeo-Christian worldview.

Yes, dear saints, casting all our cares on Him requires revoking our membership from the “What-If Club,” because failure to do so belies our identity as  those who are “…kept by the power of God.”  (1 Peter 1:5)  Failure to wait on the Lord shifts our life journey from one of faith, to one of perpetual INSECURITY causing a saint to look more like the scoffers in 2 Peter 3:4, who ask, “Where is the promise of His coming?” Without a firm trust and reliance on our Savior God, we risk  resembling those who are “strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”  (Ephes. 2:12)

Prayer:  Dear Abba, stir up our desire to   spend more time in personal meditation and prayer—saturating our heart, mind, and spirit with scriptures that anchor our hope in Your omniscience and intimate care of us.  Thank You, in Jesus’ name!  Amen.

(by Denise Diggs)


Novella - August 24th, 2020 at 12:28am

Amen! His promises are firm. You can hang your hat on them.

Deborah Goodwin - August 24th, 2020 at 5:55am

Amen! There's no What If's when we trust in Jesus.

Debbie M - August 24th, 2020 at 11:09am

Amen my sister ! One must never neglect their spiritual vitamin, abiding in Jesus daily.

Wendy - August 24th, 2020 at 1:51pm

Amen! Sister Thank you Lord I can cast all my,cares on You!!!!

Neal Brockington - August 25th, 2020 at 8:40pm

Amen, sister D. Amen!

Glenny moore - August 29th, 2020 at 10:25am

Amen! Sister Denise






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