Living Life With an Earthly Perspective- (“Under the sun”)

Scripture:  Ecclesiastes 1:9 NKJ -  What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.

The man, King Solomon, King David’s tenth son and third King of Israel. His name is associated with many Proverbs and considered author of Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs. Solomon was characterized to be the wisest, richest,  most influential king in  Israel’s history. He looked at life “under the sun’ (Eccles. 1:9) and from a human perspective, declared it all to be empty. Power, prestige, popularity, pleasures --  nothing can fill the void in man’s life but God Himself.
During my younger life,  I constantly heard my father quote Ecclesiastes 1:9c - “There is nothing new under the sun.”  I wanted desperately to see truth in those words. Yet, I concluded that my father’s experiences far outweighted mine. I also concluded that those words were from the Holy Bible and was worth my heeding to what was being said in my presence repeatedly.  (“There is nothing new under the Sun”).

King Solomon spoke and wrote from his perspective on his life experiences. Life for man is under the sun. There is where it all happens in one’s life span. All the activities in man’s life (in the flesh) is carried out on earth under the sun.  There is therefore nothing new on the face of the earth. Some put the phrase this way.  What has happened before will happen again. What has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new in the whole world.  Man’s many inventions, advances in technology, medical engineering and more has not brought about basic change in the world. Advances made its mark over centuries; however, human nature has remained the same (Eccles. 1:11). The sun rises, it sets and return to its’ place- then rises again (Eccles. 1:5). The wind whirls about continually in its’ circuit (Eccles. 1:6).  The waters continue to function as have in the past, despite humans. The world continues unchanged. It provides nothing new (vv. 9-10).  Indeed, if it’s  new,  it’s not true; and if it’s  true, it’s  not new. Man can not “create” anything new because man is the creature, not the Creator. Only God can create new things. He began by making sinners “new creatures” when they trust Jesus Christ to save them (II Cor. 5:17) , that they can walk (live) “in newness of life”  (Rom. 6:4), sing a “new song”  (Ps.40:3), and enter into God’s presence by a “new way” (Heb.10:20). One day enjoy “a new Heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:1) when God says – “Behold I make all things new” (Rev. 21:5). Hallelujah!  

King Solomon concluded in all of his tests/experimenting, that with wealth great possessions (Eccles. 2:7-10),  resources, physical pleasures (Eccles. 2:1-3) and the accumulation of it all -only to discover all of it was only vanity. All the works that are done “under the sun” never satisfies the heart.  They are but vanity and grasping for the wind (Eccles. 1:17c).

Prayer: Lord, indeed You are faithful and Your wonderous works are so evident on earth for Your LOVE transcends the heart of man to know the truth. Your Word is truth and will be here when everything is perished. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(by Novella D. Carpenter)


Brother Brockington - July 28th, 2020 at 9:20am

When what's said is said, and what's done is done, ain't nothing now new under the sun. Yep.

Enjoying time off. Blessings to you for this devotional. Amen.

Cheryl - July 28th, 2020 at 9:38am

Thank You Lord for Your patience with us as we learn this truth.

Wendy - July 28th, 2020 at 4:32pm

Amen! Sister Novell Yes Lord you are,indeed faithful..

Cynthia H. - July 28th, 2020 at 8:40pm

Praise God! Thank you for this devotional.

Debora - July 29th, 2020 at 6:40am

Amen, Sis. Novella!

Pat T - July 30th, 2020 at 4:48pm

Amen!!! Many don't want to accept that truth. My father still says this.






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