An Anchored Soul
(Every soul needs an anchor)
Scriptures: Hebrews 6:19 CSB - We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.
I am experienced with varied forms of anchors that I have relied on in my life. When camping, anchoring the tent was important. The tent is your home and you would not think of it toppling over from wind or rain. It must be anchored with whatever fixtures required. We anchored our umbrella at the beach, and we anchor our backyard pavilion for barbequing during summer fellowships. The most familiar anchor is that of a ship or small boats. An anchor is something that provides a firm secure foundation. It’s a physical structure that you can trust to do what it is intended to do. An anchor keeps things from moving about or keeping things secure to a foundation. If the anchor does not hold, trouble arises. You always strive to make your anchor secure. You would want to do the best job to assure that your anchor holds.
The term anchor is used metaphorically to represent God and faith scripturally -- that which keeps, is steadfast and gives a sense of hope during storms life. Adversity does not need an invitation – thereby showing up in many forms and fashions. This anchor is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will hold you steady in troubled times. Life gets tough. In the storms of life, there may be situations with your job or lack thereof, relationships, loss, finance, health and suffering. If there were never a storm in your life, you would not give attention to the anchor. For your attention tends to focus on things around you such as, the COVID-19 pandemic, evil doers, injustice, and hardship, which causes one to drift. To drift from the Word (truth), one tends to doubt the Word (Heb. 2:1-4). To doubt the Word (Heb. 3:7; 4:13), then one becomes dull toward the Word. To keep from drifting, one needs to lay hold of the anchor. We certainly need an anchor that will hold firm and securely during the storms of life. The believers’ hope is in the promises of God. His promises are true. God cannot lie.
Christians have but one anchor -- Jesus Christ. This spiritual anchor is different from material anchors on ships or tents. “For one thing, we are anchored upward -- to heaven-not downward“ (Wiersbe -Bible Commentary2007) . It is interesting to note that we are anchored upward -- to heaven and not downward, not to stand still, but to move ahead. Our anchor (Christ Jesus) is “sure” – it cannot break, and “steadfast” -- it cannot slip. No earthly anchor can give that kind of security. To be anchored heavenly, how much more secure can you be? Hallelujah!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your Word is so amazing; giving me hope, and comfort during troubled times. Thy Word lights my path, is forever, and is to be obeyed. In Jesus’ name, Amen
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
Scriptures: Hebrews 6:19 CSB - We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.
I am experienced with varied forms of anchors that I have relied on in my life. When camping, anchoring the tent was important. The tent is your home and you would not think of it toppling over from wind or rain. It must be anchored with whatever fixtures required. We anchored our umbrella at the beach, and we anchor our backyard pavilion for barbequing during summer fellowships. The most familiar anchor is that of a ship or small boats. An anchor is something that provides a firm secure foundation. It’s a physical structure that you can trust to do what it is intended to do. An anchor keeps things from moving about or keeping things secure to a foundation. If the anchor does not hold, trouble arises. You always strive to make your anchor secure. You would want to do the best job to assure that your anchor holds.
The term anchor is used metaphorically to represent God and faith scripturally -- that which keeps, is steadfast and gives a sense of hope during storms life. Adversity does not need an invitation – thereby showing up in many forms and fashions. This anchor is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will hold you steady in troubled times. Life gets tough. In the storms of life, there may be situations with your job or lack thereof, relationships, loss, finance, health and suffering. If there were never a storm in your life, you would not give attention to the anchor. For your attention tends to focus on things around you such as, the COVID-19 pandemic, evil doers, injustice, and hardship, which causes one to drift. To drift from the Word (truth), one tends to doubt the Word (Heb. 2:1-4). To doubt the Word (Heb. 3:7; 4:13), then one becomes dull toward the Word. To keep from drifting, one needs to lay hold of the anchor. We certainly need an anchor that will hold firm and securely during the storms of life. The believers’ hope is in the promises of God. His promises are true. God cannot lie.
Christians have but one anchor -- Jesus Christ. This spiritual anchor is different from material anchors on ships or tents. “For one thing, we are anchored upward -- to heaven-not downward“ (Wiersbe -Bible Commentary2007) . It is interesting to note that we are anchored upward -- to heaven and not downward, not to stand still, but to move ahead. Our anchor (Christ Jesus) is “sure” – it cannot break, and “steadfast” -- it cannot slip. No earthly anchor can give that kind of security. To be anchored heavenly, how much more secure can you be? Hallelujah!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your Word is so amazing; giving me hope, and comfort during troubled times. Thy Word lights my path, is forever, and is to be obeyed. In Jesus’ name, Amen
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
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Amen! Amen! My soul is anchored in my LORD
a good place to be in such a time as these.
What an excellent devotion. I know my anchor is in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!!!
Amen! I'm glad I'm anchored in Christ Jesus!
Yes!!! Very encouraging!!! Jesus is the greatest anchor the world has known!
Amen @