Safe in His Arms

Scripture: Isaiah 43:1 - Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name;
you are Mine.  Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

And so it was a cold dark morning, I had my first hospital clinical at St Joseph Medical
Center. Nursing students were strongly encouraged to arrive early to have time to read
our assigned patients’ charts, as our clinical instructor could choose to verbally quiz us
at the end of the day. The hospital was under major construction which made it
necessary to catch the shuttle to travel to the main entrance of the hospital.

I remember being so nervous (as usual).  I could hardly think straight. There were
rumors about the practices of our clinical instructor, and there were stressors about the
unfamiliarity of the unit and the patients. All of this created a “ruckus” within me. I just
wanted to bring this day to an end. As I began to look around the shuttle that morning,
something caught my eye. There was a young lady and her crying toddler. The lady
reached for her baby and cradled it in her arms. This scene ignited my faith and what I
knew about my God. (The fear I possessed was because I had drifted away from my
Father). I began to pray asking God to place me back in His arms and secure me and
rid my thoughts of failure. I began to believe and know I was able to do all things as
He gives me power to do. The comforting scene of the lady and her child along with
my prayer gave me overwhelming peace, joy, even. My day did not look so grueling
anymore. God reminded me of how I overcame my first day during the nursing home
clinical, and so I was ready to experience Him again.

The day was at the least, hard. We were only assigned two patients. But, of course, we
as nursing students, were assigned patients who required the most attention. As I
attended to my patients’ needs and wants (the luxury of agreeing to have a nursing
student), God encouraged me with thoughts of the importance of serving others and
giving great care. I was so busy, but I felt successful because of God’s presence and
assurance (He gave) throughout the day.

In life we will find we have great challenges that try to overwhelm and suffocate us, but
we must remember who is the One who is able to give us security and safety like no
one else. He knows how to turn our doubts and fears to godly boldness and
confidence so that we will have victory and a testimony of His greatness.

Prayer:  Lord, I thank You for You are the only One who can provide and protect us with true
rest from our fears and doubts. You provide us with great compassion, comfort and
safety. Without You, we can do nothing. Help us to depend upon You with our whole
being that we may continue to give only You the glory in all things. For we were made
to be victorious and triumphant…Hallelujah, we’re safe in Your arms! In Jesus’ Name Amen!

(by Lisa Williams)


Debora - July 4th, 2020 at 7:15am

Amen Sis. Lisa, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

Kim - July 4th, 2020 at 7:31am

Amen thanks sis!

Cheryl - July 4th, 2020 at 9:18am

Yes, my sister Jesus alone is our comfort and rest.

Debbie M. - July 4th, 2020 at 9:43am

AMEN! Lisa Amen .....Let the Redeemed of

our LORD say so !

Wendy - July 4th, 2020 at 9:51am

Amen Sister Lisa.Thank God He knows how to turn,my doubt and fears to godly boldness and confidence...

Glenny Z. Moore - July 6th, 2020 at 12:36am

Great story of the Lord working in your life. Praise Him! You remembered what He did the first day. The Holy Spirit prompted and reminded you the next day. The weaker you appeared, the stronger He was for you in your testimony.

Brother Brockington - July 6th, 2020 at 5:03am

Amen! God is great, but also particular with blessing. Thanks much sister.

Taresa Stewart - July 6th, 2020 at 1:56pm

Amen! What a testimony. He says that He will never leave you. That promise is true.

Novella - July 6th, 2020 at 2:34pm

Amazing devotional. What a testimony!






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