When Trouble Comes Around

Scriptures: Psalm 46:10 NKJ -- Be still and know that I am God.” (Ps. 46:1 CSB) God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.

Many among us struggle with having the right  response to troublesome situations, especially when the loss  of life is inevitable for many.  Things about us can be considered hunky dory, then the rug is suddenly pulled from under our feet.  Today, all nations and tongues are affected and experience real trouble together. The Psalmist desires us to know that the Lord is a place of security and safety. He is always near (Ps.145:18).  Yet, better than that, He hears afar off when we cry to Him (Ps145:19b); (Ps.3:4) and (Ps. 4:3) (Ps.17:6,7). He is a refuge in times of trouble (Ps. 9:9).
Troublesome things have plagued  planet earth generations on generations, from east to west, south and north. The message is- don’t  fear or become anxious when faced with such things as: hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, forest fires  or diseases. Man’s  wisdom and strength has not changed  the paths of any such conditions. By God’s Word, He exercises control over nature.  He wants man to know;  “ I am God exalted on the earth (Ps. 46:11). He reigns forever for all generations (Ps.146:). No matter how difficult your troubles, they will not last forever; but God’s kingdom will. He will never exhaust means for caring for His people.
 The Lord is faithful in all His acts (Ps. 145:17). The Israelites were not affected, while He brought judgement on the Egyptians. The plagues did not harm the people of Goshen as did to the Egyptians. God rescued the Israelites from the power and memory of Egypt, as by the strength of His hand  brought them  out of  that place of slavery. He rolled back the sea, when the Israelites were faced with the Egyptian’s pursuit, and the sea was before them. Hallelujah Lord! Pharaoh’s army drowned at sea when the Lord returned the waters to its natural setting. The acts of the Almighty continued as He made an exit route from Egypt into the wilderness. The Israelites traveled in route of the promised land as the Lord went before them by a cloud and by fire. While in the wilderness the Lord provided for their every needs.  They had victory over their enemies, were fed with manna from heaven, and   kept clothed and enjoyed safety.
You need not be afraid when trouble comes. Hold firm and experience the Almighty God and all His righteous acts in all the earth. This is not the time for believers to throw in the towel, nor  folding of the arms or to sit, soak and sour. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. He knows what you stand in need of, and He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Continue to pray, read His Word, trust His hand and obey; love Him with all your heart, soul and strength ( Deut.6:5). Believe that God is who  the Bible says He is (I Am). Wait patiently on the God who hears, give thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of Jesus (Eph. 5:20), be steadfast , immovable, abounding in the work of the Lord (I Cor.15:58).

Prayer: Lord, Your name is excellent in all the earth, and I magnify Your name among men. You have never turned Your hand away from me in times of trouble. It is comforting to know that You will never leave me, and You hear when I call to You in my distress. Help me to acknowledge that You are my refuge in times when troubles come.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(by Novella D. Carpenter)


Brother Brockington - June 29th, 2020 at 5:28am

Amen sister.

Deborah Whye - June 29th, 2020 at 6:07am

Amen sis!

Stephanie Miller - June 29th, 2020 at 11:05am


Wendy - June 29th, 2020 at 1:49pm

Amen ! Sister Thank you Lord, when troubles come.Hold Firm and experience,the Almighty God....






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