Tomorrow is Not Promised

Scripture: Proverbs 27:1 NKJ - Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Isaiah 56:12 - “Come” each one cries, “let me get wine! Let us drink our fill of beer! And tomorrow will be like today, or even better.”
During times when my husband and I travel, we meet many people along our path. On a particular day, we had an issue which involved the car’s windshield wiper. My husband and all of his wisdom was unable to correct the problem. Plus it started to rain. Well, out of all the gentlemen who attempted to help; failed yet, put us on to another then another. The Lord was after saving souls, and we were instruments in His hand. We were after fixing the windshield wiper; however, my husband seized upon the opportunity to share the Gospel (hand out tracts) amidst our troubles. We followed specific instruction which got us to Auto Zone. After purchasing the right wiper for our cars’ make and model, we were told by sales personnel do not install and all technician were off duty. Well, we both were praying without ceasing. The young man approached our car to assure he had sold us the right wiper blade. As he stood conversating; he began to break open the packaging and agreed to put the wiper blade on, at no charge. He persistently refused a tip. This man’s first name was Dave. Dave was a very pleasant young married man with children. He attended church with his wife from time to time, following his accident and extensive healing. He admitted that he needs to return to fellowship. We know what happened around the third week of March 2020 -- as the whole country went on a quarantine due to the onset of the corona virus. Large gathering for church service and funerals etc. ceased abruptly. All plans and future events were shut down indefinitely. Who knew this in February? Yet, God knew and that is certain. Where is Dave in all of this? He had made up his mind to worship with his family again someday. Time passed without a change. Today, God orchestrated all of the moves of each person involved even Dave. One should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. One day at a time is all we can ask for. For, yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never be ours.
We have no clue about tomorrow, because each day comes with its own surprises, troubles, pleasures and sorrows. For one does not know what tomorrow may bring (James 4:14). Man can be assured of the present time. For however long life is, no one can be certain of long life. Scripture speaks to threescore years and ten, yet, no one can be sure of arriving to it (Psalm 90:10). It sometimes is suggested that people with a strong constitution may live above 70 years or even far beyond 80; for there is no certainty, since life is frail. Man’s life is but a vapor, which appears then vanishes away ( James 4:14). His breath is in his nostrils which can easily stopped (Gen. 2:7). His life is all flesh, as grass (Ps. 103:15) which flourishes in the morning and in the evening is cut down. His life is like a flower and is beautiful for a season; His days are as a fleeting shadow which declines toward evening. Man can be healthy today and with sickness on tomorrow. Take a page from the virus pandemic. What he has today cannot be certain that he shall have it the next day. Death is certain to all men by the appointment of God. There is a fixed time which cannot be changed.
Man should not put off things of today, for tomorrow -- especially spiritual things, such as repentance of his sins, to amend his life, not tomorrow, but today. Tomorrow is not promised. Even true believers should not procrastinate the profession of their faith. Work while it is day, and always abound in the work of the Lord.
Prayer: Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born, before You gave birth to the earth and the world, and from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. Knowledge of You dates back to the beginning. You give to me my daily bread which is a sufficient portion for today. I rejoice in Your grace and love towards me. Let Your beauty be upon me as I live out my life today, for tomorrow is not promised; yet, You are the Lord of my present, past and future. Hallelujah! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
During times when my husband and I travel, we meet many people along our path. On a particular day, we had an issue which involved the car’s windshield wiper. My husband and all of his wisdom was unable to correct the problem. Plus it started to rain. Well, out of all the gentlemen who attempted to help; failed yet, put us on to another then another. The Lord was after saving souls, and we were instruments in His hand. We were after fixing the windshield wiper; however, my husband seized upon the opportunity to share the Gospel (hand out tracts) amidst our troubles. We followed specific instruction which got us to Auto Zone. After purchasing the right wiper for our cars’ make and model, we were told by sales personnel do not install and all technician were off duty. Well, we both were praying without ceasing. The young man approached our car to assure he had sold us the right wiper blade. As he stood conversating; he began to break open the packaging and agreed to put the wiper blade on, at no charge. He persistently refused a tip. This man’s first name was Dave. Dave was a very pleasant young married man with children. He attended church with his wife from time to time, following his accident and extensive healing. He admitted that he needs to return to fellowship. We know what happened around the third week of March 2020 -- as the whole country went on a quarantine due to the onset of the corona virus. Large gathering for church service and funerals etc. ceased abruptly. All plans and future events were shut down indefinitely. Who knew this in February? Yet, God knew and that is certain. Where is Dave in all of this? He had made up his mind to worship with his family again someday. Time passed without a change. Today, God orchestrated all of the moves of each person involved even Dave. One should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. One day at a time is all we can ask for. For, yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never be ours.
We have no clue about tomorrow, because each day comes with its own surprises, troubles, pleasures and sorrows. For one does not know what tomorrow may bring (James 4:14). Man can be assured of the present time. For however long life is, no one can be certain of long life. Scripture speaks to threescore years and ten, yet, no one can be sure of arriving to it (Psalm 90:10). It sometimes is suggested that people with a strong constitution may live above 70 years or even far beyond 80; for there is no certainty, since life is frail. Man’s life is but a vapor, which appears then vanishes away ( James 4:14). His breath is in his nostrils which can easily stopped (Gen. 2:7). His life is all flesh, as grass (Ps. 103:15) which flourishes in the morning and in the evening is cut down. His life is like a flower and is beautiful for a season; His days are as a fleeting shadow which declines toward evening. Man can be healthy today and with sickness on tomorrow. Take a page from the virus pandemic. What he has today cannot be certain that he shall have it the next day. Death is certain to all men by the appointment of God. There is a fixed time which cannot be changed.
Man should not put off things of today, for tomorrow -- especially spiritual things, such as repentance of his sins, to amend his life, not tomorrow, but today. Tomorrow is not promised. Even true believers should not procrastinate the profession of their faith. Work while it is day, and always abound in the work of the Lord.
Prayer: Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born, before You gave birth to the earth and the world, and from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. Knowledge of You dates back to the beginning. You give to me my daily bread which is a sufficient portion for today. I rejoice in Your grace and love towards me. Let Your beauty be upon me as I live out my life today, for tomorrow is not promised; yet, You are the Lord of my present, past and future. Hallelujah! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
(by Novella D. Carpenter)
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SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
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The Imperative to Obey and Work
March 8th, 2025
March 7th, 2025
Sound the Alarm
March 6th, 2025
Thank You, But Lord, I Got This
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Praise to God in His Holiness and Majesty
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Where is Your Faith?
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February 28th, 2025
Hallelujah! Sister.
Amen, a reminder built to bless!
Amen ! Sister Tomorrow is not Promised,Praise God.
Just reading this devotional brings back so many things going on around me. I say my eldest sister in the flesh for the last time on earth. It was a hard drive back to MD; as my mind was in constant download; the corona virus was just beginning to show its ugly head. Amidst the shut down; I penned this devotional. I started typing with a sad yet joyful heart, all to God's glory!
Thankyou. A lifelong friend is about to leave this world because of cancer.
Thankyou, for your thoughts and words.
Sister, your words ministered to me . Thank you so much want to print the out to be r re minded.
Hallelujah! Amen. Wonderful encouraging testifying msg. God spoke to me the same words three ways to me today. At midnight by the song 'one day at a time' then through today's my Bible reading portion on Cermon on Mount Mathew 6:34 & now your message. All Glory to God on high. Our God is an awesome speaking God.
By profession I am a social worker doing the noble job of counseling presently for students.
Pl do pray for me & my family specially for my sound health.
Amen ðŸ™. God is good all the time