God is Not Coming to Your Pity Party

Scripture: Job 10:1- (NIV) I loathe my very life; therefore, I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.

Have you ever had a pity party? Have you invited God? Did you wonder why God did not come to your party? News Flash, God is not coming to your pity party. Self-pity at its core is a heart issue; pity is selfish and seeks to draw others in. There is an old saying; misery loves company but misery does not just love it, it demands it. Misery or self-pity is like a parasite that needs others to help it grow. Self-pity pulls others in and drains their energy. Self-pity is a form of pride. However, many do not believe that the woe-is-me attitude is a form of pride. The sulking and woe-is-me behavior intentionally pulls people in. Once they are in, the pity party can really begin. Now, there is an audience. Now, you can talk about all your issues and how your troubles outweigh God’s grace or God’s ability to make things better. The Bible tells us that even in sickness and adversity that ALL things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Nonetheless, this can be difficult to embrace when a person is going through a bad time.

Believers must not just know Romans 8:28 but believe it. When things are going well in life, it is easy to walk in or lean on the fact that ALL things work together for good. However, when trials come and the storm is raging, Romans 8:28, is not always readily embraced and believed. Instead of resting on the promises of God, instead of remembering that God said, He will never leave you nor forsake you, and all things work for good; Christians tend to sulk and complain. When situations do not go as planned many doubt God’s grace, mercy, and abilities. In the dark place some get discouraged, some believe that the Lord is no longer with them. The darker the place the deeper the despair can be. The enemy will make lies look like truth. It is in the pit that the issues of your heart are revealed and it is in that place that God grows you. No one likes adversity, consequences, dark places, or being broken. Often times, it is in those places where God’s grace, mercy, and purpose shine brightest. It is during the storm that God’s promises must be remembered and believed. No matter what life throws your way, God is intentional and ALL things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.

Prayer: Lord, please help us stop planning pity parties. Help us to remember Your promises. Help us to truly rest on Your Word, to believe Your Word, and to trust You during life’s tough times. Lord, when we are standing in the midst of the storm help us to represent You well, help us remember that Your Word guides us in good times and in bad times. When we doubt You, Lord, please forgive us. Lord, dispel our disbelief and continue to show us grace and mercy. Thank you for Your faithfulness even when we lack faith. Thank you, for Your Grace even when we don’t deserve it. Thank you, for Your Mercy. Help us Lord, to remember that what you said when the sun was shining still holds true in the darkness. Thank you, Lord, for the lessons that grow us and ultimately make us better. Moreover, Lord, thank you for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. In Jesus Name, Amen.

(by Patricia Towns) 


Debbie M. - April 2nd, 2020 at 8:29am

Amen my sister .... Amen

Charmae P. Allen - October 2nd, 2020 at 4:39pm

Thank you much, I was studying and looked up what the bible says about pity party and your article came up. Thank you and God bless you for sharing the Word of God. ❤️🙏🏽🕊️

Kevin H. - November 7th, 2020 at 1:31am

I hate god.

Whitney K - August 26th, 2024 at 8:41pm

God still loves you.

Donna F - April 29th, 2023 at 3:11am

As the other person stated, I too was looking up 'pity parties', and your article was one of the first. I went and read Job 10(whole chapter), then Romans 8:28. But I had to back up some on reading those verses to vs 26. Where it starts off 'the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness...'. THAT stuck with me for a moment. It may seem like just a pity party to us, but God loves us sooo dearly, that He didn't see it as such, He sees it as a moment of weakness. Also in Revelation 21:4, it reads that God shall wipe away ALL tears from their eyes... If He isn't there on our moments of weakness, he & why would He take the time to wipe away all of our tears? I know it also says that our faith moves God, but He is also a loving Father that will never leave us nor forsake us. He'll be with us when we're up & when we're down. Be blessed! 💕






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