Deity Attributed To Christ Jesus

Scripture: Psalm 95:4, 5-  In His hand are the deep places of the earth: The heights of the hills are His also. The sea is His, for He made it; and His hands formed the dry land.

Approaching this subject, it seems appropriate to begin at the beginning according to the Bible. The first book of Moses is called Genesis, a Greek word meaning “origin,” “source,” “beginning.” For it is recorded that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). It is clearly established that God created Heaven and earth. God, the creator of heaven and earth, demonstrates tremendous power.  He laid the foundation of the world an upholds everything by His hands. Everything in the universe as we know it was created by God Himself. By no means these things were created by human hands. Its form and design were all of God’s doing.
 Jesus the Son of God has been characterized as having deity. Deity meaning “divine nature.” This being having (with) powers greater than those of ordinary humans. He is eternal having no beginning or ending. Those powers are eternal. (Isaiah 9:6), Jesus’ name is assigned equal standing with God the Father in the church. Jesus is God, given all power in His hands after having been resurrected.

Jesus performed works which only God could do. Not only is He the creator of all things; but He also is the upholder of all things  -- by the word of His power (John 1:3); (Heb. 1:2,3). All things created in heaven and on earth, both visible and invisible; they were created through Him and for Him (Col. 1:16,17). Many occasions throughout the New Testament, Jesus was proven to be God. There was the turning of water to wine (John 2:7); walking on the water (Matt. 14:25); Healing the blind (John 9:7); raising people from the dead (John 11:43-44), (Mk. 5:35); His resurrection and appearances (I Cor. 15:1-15). Ref. Got Questions Min. 2019 -  Jesus Christ proved His claim to deity through many amazing acts.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You become more and more amazing to me throughout scripture. You hold the whole world in Your hand, and You are in control of everything. For You existed before time. You are an amazing God.  In Jesus’ name. Amen

(by Novella D. Carpenter)

1 Comment

Novella - April 19th, 2020 at 12:51am

hallelujah Lord @






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